Phone Call

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It had only been a couple of days. I was growing quite fond of the guys coming over everyday. It started to feel like home. I missed my dad so much. I needed to call him.
"Sammie! It's been a while. Have you settled in yet?"
"Yeah I have. It's really weird not seeing you everyday. How's home?"
"Quite boring. I can't seem to find something to do that isn't related to work."
"I'm sorry dad."
"Sammie, I really think you should come home."
I went silent. What was I supposed to say to that. Moments passed, it felt like an eternity. And as fragile as the silence was it was broken in an instant.
"Sorry. What?"
"You should come home."
"Dad. I'm 18-years-old now. I've been dreaming of this day for years. Why would I abandon Louis? He's happier than ever."
I about to start crying.
"Sam I don't like that four guys hangout with you everyday. It's not normal. I was ok when it was just Louis, but his band is now coming over."
"Dad, I'm staying. I'm old enough to take care of myself and know what is wrong and what is right."
"Samantha I just think that..."
"Bye dad. I love you."
As soon as I hung up I cried. The thought of my dad not trusting me or the boys broke my fragile heart. I was happy being out of the house. I was always alone. And now that I'm not my dad can't stand it. I can't go back to the empty home. I'm done with it. I...I want to stay. And find what I'm looking for.

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