My Comfort!!

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Taehyung's p.o.v.

The party was really going so well.....but I don't feel enjoying anymore.... Ever since Hoseokie went back home ... For me the party was boring....

And that's how I ended up on the balcony... Sipping my drink slowly ... With me loneliness...

I closed my eyes and the memories of my past flashed before my eyes...

I was a joyful and naughty kid back then... But ever since I started growing up... My father started controlling my life....

Not just expressions.... My wishes... My joy happiness...

He made me the person I never wanted to be....

For him the only thing that ever mattered is Money ....

And for him ... Namjoon hyung was the biggest disappointed ... Even though he took over the business and took this business to such a high level...

But for my dad ....he was still a disappointment.... And on top of that he married Jin hyung too....

I don't have any problem with him .. Jin hyung is a really amazing person , as well as talented...he took care of everything...

And he cooks very well.... I'm not a homophobic like my father....

Dad started hating him more and more ...but still He let him handle the business and marry Jin hyung.. because jin hyung was a very famous Actor ... good for his image .... He wanted me to step in the film industries as well ....

Dad never showed us any kind of love ....and we lost our mother in very young age...

So it was just me and hyung ... For each other....

Dad tried to mold me according to his will....and I molded like a fool...

I became what he wanted me to be.... Just like how he is ... .

I started drifting away from my brother.... The brothers who was once my life....

Seokjin hyung was so kindhearted he always loved me ....but I pretended to hate him .... Even though I wanted him to love me ...

But still ... Slowly but surely I became the Kim Taehyung...I am now ..

The stone heart boy ....who hates everyone..... who don't show mercy to anyone..... A rude boy ....

The only reason why everyone admires me is because I am one of the most famous Actor.... And I have goodlooks ...

During our high school time .... I was in the school's basketball teams....

The shadow squad ... And that time .... The most beautiful part of that life was ...

The girl that always comes to see our match.... She was different.... from every girl.... I've seen ..

She had her face covered with mask always.... And it says .... no one had ever seen her face....and yah that was because of her brother...

Her brother was surely a puke ... I never liked him ...but as I was the most popular bad boy .... He was one of the boy of my friend group....

But one day.... Everything changed ..... Everything.... When I saw her in the library.....

KIKI. ...

A cute name for the most cutest girl ever.... I saw her eyes.... She talked to me ... That was the first time after a long while.... When I didn't feel like pretending anything....

I didn't felt suffocated.....

It felt so relieved....

She was so intoxicating.... It was like ...she won't hate me for being the Taehyung I used to be ...

And that's when I fell for her .... I started liking her..... Seeing her made my day ....

I started searching her everywhere. ... Just Seeing her .....automatically brings the most beautiful boxy smile on my face ...

And I love to see how her eyes go all crescent due to her smile whenever she looks at me ...

I know her eyes were beautiful... And one day ... When we accidentally bumped into each other..... that's when I saw her face ....

She was beyond the word Beautiful.... And that's when I fell harder .... And I knew she was the one for me ....

But when I hear the news that she's dropping study .... And she's going to get married.....

My heart was broken .... Why's god so cruel .... The only thing I loved .... The only thing I ever wanted was KIKI ... Then why the hell god snached my only happiness....

After that.... I was broken so badly ....

And become so cruel.... More than I used to be before ...

But after 14 years... She's back to me ..... And now .... I won't let her slip from my hand ....

She's mine....and she have to except this ...

I sighed and completed my drink....and decided to call Hoseokie...

I have to check on her ....she wasn't feeling well ... ...

Oh god I'm really a love sick ....

I tried three times...but she didn't picked up the call ...

But after few seconds she call back me...

I quickly picked up the call...but frowned when I heard Jungkook's sobbing voice instead of her ....

"H..hello...un.. uncle... please...come here...a .as a..soon as you can ...m.. mom....she isn't well.... she's fainted...I don't know what to do please.....I tried to call dad....but he isn't picking up ... please.. come here..."

I really didn't get what he's trying to say ...did something happened to Jiminie??!! But why is he calling ... From Hoseokie's phone ??!!

But Jiminie was fine just a few minutes ago...what happened now ...

"Where are you boy ...??!! I..I'm coming... Okay...tell me your location.... "

"I.... I'm se... sending...p.. please come fast...i.. I'm afraid..."

"Okay.. okay I'm coming...hmm... don't worry....just don't panic.... I'm coming..."

I quickly run towards the hall and snatched my car keys... I was about to go when I saw Jiminie talking with Jin hyung....

'wait!!! She's here....all perfect...then ... where's Jungkook .... Who's he calling his mom...'

But right now I wanted to go to the boy as soon as possible.... He seems really afraid.... so I shrugged all the thoughts .... And moved towards the exit....

I don't know why but.... My heart is aching.... something is possibly wrong ..... And I'm not having a good feeling.....

I'm feeling so weird..... for the first time in my life..... And I know this feeling was not good...

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