In Your Embrace!!

567 63 16

Yoongi was in his room .... Composing some music ....

It was his habit to do what he wanted at least .... In his 'noir' time ...

It gives him a break and a little happiness....

No one knew not even his dad that in the music industry...he rules as August .... The best music producer...

No one has ever seen who August is ... Where he lives.... Why hasn't he come on screen......

But one thing everyone knows was .... His music was heaven....

Yoongi never told his dad about his passion for music and him being the famous August ....

He knew his father wouldn't appreciate his work .... After all you have to sacrifice all your dreams...if you're the son of a mafia....most dangerous mafia ...

He sighed and put his specs down ....He rubbed his tired eyes .... And looked outside....

It was raining heavily.... And it wasn't like it would stop any soon. ...

A loud Thunder flashed ....and he switched off his computer...

And stretched his legs and hands ...

Yoongi went outside of his room... and he was quite the silence around ....

He thought Hoseokie would create a bustle....or she'll keep roaming around or at least she'll ask so many questions...

But to his surprise....she was all quiet ever since she went into her room ... In fact she didn't even come for dinner....

And it was 2 a.m. .... So to say Yoongi wasn't worried was an understatement.....

He was worried a lot ..for Hoseokie...

And that's when he decided to check on her....

He came out of his room ...and went upstairs.... As he was climbing each step .... He was feeling a strange feeling of worry inside him ...which he never felt...

But the girl was so naive...and innocent for this cruel treatment.....
And Yoongi really hated himself for treating her like this....

But he can't be sweet to her ... You can't judge someone just  by looking at them ....

She can be a creep or a  money seeker.... Just like how everybody is nowadays...

But still he made his way towards the upper floor .... He knew this was like a gamble....

And he was ready to risk it once ...

He was standing outside of her room ....
The environment was awful...

There was darkness all over the floor ... And extreme cold air hitting Yoongi's body so harshly....

He wondered how she didn't even complain yet ...

And he put his hand on the cold wooden door... In order to open it ...

And by his surprise...the door was already open ... He was surprised how she didn't even close the door...

"H.. Hoseokie..?!!! You There ??!!!"

He went inside her room ...and found all the windows open....

Actually they were too tough to be closed .... And the cold air was mercilessly stating their presence.... following the harsh hitting of rain drops ....

Yoongi frowned and looked around.... It was like ..... The room wasn't even touched..... Nothing was misplaced at all ....she didn't even put her the cupboard... And her wedding dress was neatly folded and placed on the floor....

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