"Everything Is Alright Now ..."

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The Night was sleepless for both of them .....

They both cried .. but for different reasons...

Hoseokie was feeling awful... She may sound so cruel or heartless... who's going to abort an unborn child .... But still...she knew ...she had to do it ....she had her own fear .....
She didn't know how to be a mother ..... She Indeed had a mother ... The best mother in the world.... But still. ... didn't spend much time with her....

No one ever taught her .... How to deal with this situation ....

And hence she was shedding tears .... She slowly touched her stomach..... In which the baby might be resting...

"I'm sorry baby .... Mumma's sorry..... That I'm taking this step. ..you might be  hating me right??!"

And with that more tears started flowing...

Yoongi had never cried over anything.... Never in his life  ....He was too young to cry ... When his mother died ....   And after that...he never got attached to someone... That led him to be a heartless stone...

He was so cruel.... He had killed so many people.... But now .... When he had to kill his son ... His own son ... He knew. .. what it feels like to lose someone to dear....

Even though the baby hasn't come yet ... Even though they get to know about him only today.... But still .. he felt too close to the child ....

Maybe the love bond ...

He wanted to stop Hoseokie.... But as eagerly he wanted to stop ... He knew ..  it's even harder for the girl ...

She's already young ...and she had to take responsibility for a child ...   That was surely too much for her....

He had to respect her decision.... It's not him who's going to give birth to the baby .....

He clenched his eyes shut ..... Trying to sleep.... Maybe it's Destiny....


Hoseokie slowly opened her eyes ....but frowned when she found herself at a totally different place.....

She wasn't in her room ... It was grassland .. probably... There were fireflies everywhere .... The moon was shining so bright.... And the smooth cold Breeze....

She relaxed for a while.... closing her eyes and taking the nature therepy.... Maybe this was all created to her ....

She smiled....but soon startled when someone back hugged her ....

He was a little boy .... About 7 years...

She slightly turned to see his face ...but the boy hide himself in the crook of her neck ..

"H.....Hey. .. who are you.... W .... where's your parents kid ??!!" She asked the boy in her sweet raspy voice...

The boy giggled cutely...and smooched on her cheeks..

"You're my mamma .. " he said....his voice was so angelic....and Hoseokie swear ... She felt chills when the boy claimed her ... his mother...

"W ... what'd you m..mean ??!!"

The boy placed his chin on her shoulder and tighten the hug...

"Are you angry with me ..??!! Mumma ??!"

He asked with a cute pout ...and Hoseokie internally cooed at the cuteness...

"No ...why ??!!"

"Then why're you killing me ??!!"
And that's when .. it was all clear to Hoseokie.....

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