Was it too late??!!

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Hoseokie had prepared so many dishes...

And Jungkook was laughing and Playing around the Christmas tree ...

She smiled at his cute acts ...

"Zingle bell ...zingle bell.." he was continuously chanting..

Hoseokie laughed at that and said

"It's ..jingle bell ... Kookie.."

Jungkook looked at her mother and came towards her ... Making grabby hands....

Hoseokie lifted the boy up .... And kissed his soft cheeks ...

"Mumma ....dadda??!!" He asked while hiding his face in the crook of her mother's neck...after yawning cutely..

"Aww....my cutie bunny is sleepy??!"
He cutely nodded and closed his eyes ....he loved his mother's scent..

A perfect medicine for him ... To relax..

She caressed his back ...and soon enough...she felt the boy sleeping....

Hoseokie checked the time ....

"Come on Yoongi where are you??!!! "

Hoseokie tucked the boy carefully on the bed and moved towards the hall ...when she heard the sound of the bell ringing....

She smiled and looked at the door ..was she nervous??!! Of course she was ...

She went towards the door with quick steps ... and quickly opened the door..

Revealing Yoongi... Who had red eyes ... Maybe was drunk as well.....

Hoseokie smelled the alcohol clearly from the elder...

Yoongi wobbled a little on his steps .... Hoseokie quickly supported him ...

"Y .....you okay??!! What happened Yoonie ??!!" She asked with worry written on her face ....

Yoongi removed her hands. .. and sat down on the couch
"I'm...fine ... Leave me alone .." he mumbled...

Hoseokie Frowned and sat beside him .... she placed her forehand on his face ...

Checking the temperature

"What happened Yoongi ..... Is everything alright??!!"

Yoongi opened his eyes and looked at her .... In eyes..... Those beautiful eyes...that were showing him all the care they have...

Will they show that care to someone else too ??!!

He was in deep thought....

Was what his father said about her true??!!

Did she really had a boyfriend before??!!

How far did they go ??!!

Did they share any intimate moment ??!!

Did he ever touched her ??!!

He scoffed.... Ofcourse... No-one is pure in this world....

He was right about her ... At the end of the day ... She did what he afraid the most...

"Have I ever told you. .. you really are the worst??!!" Yoongi blurt out . ... And Hoseokie was shocked by his rough voice tone and awful choice of words...

She stared at him in disbelief.. "W ...what??!!"

"What ??!! Don't act to be what you are not ... Cause I know your true face now ..." He harshly removed her hand ....

And stood up ... .. Hoseokie stood up as well ... She wanted to ask what's wrong ... But Yoongi's harsh tone stopped her ...

She didn't had the strength to say anything...

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