Chapter 2

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There was a blue, old and big house that was across from Luka's house. It was abandoned for a while until the beginning of fall. A young guy moved across from Luka's, he was rumored to be the previous owners son. A man that lived in that house was rich and owned that beautiful big house, after his death that place was left locked and empty until one fall.

Luka was only 16, he was well mannered, responsible, always did what his parents told him to and curious. Curious indeed.

When he found out that a man was moving in to the big house, he kept looking out his window, watching the young man move his belongings in his new home. He could barely make out how the man looked since he kept moving away from the window, fearing the man would catch him staring. He didn't have much, he had a few things in his truck and luggages. The only reason why Luka was so excited was because nothing different ever happened around here, he lived in a small town where everybody knew everyone. So this really got Luka excited for someone new to live in that house.

"Mum... Should I bring something over to the new neighbor?" Luka asked Carly who gripped her towel, glancing at the window before looking back at her son and telling him no. Luka questioned her but his mother told him that she didn't want him to go and she sent him to his room. Luka wasn't sure why his mother seemed defensive about the idea but Luka didn't want to anger her and continued staring out at the window.

This town was boring... Everyone was the same, everyone was closed minded and stayed in one spot. That's why Luka was excited about a new guy moving in, something new, something different. Luka's eyes moved watching the man get out of his house, his body was covered with permanent ink, he looked strong, he looked like a guy his parents would warn him about.

"People covered in permanent ink are covered with the Devils work"

Luka's mother would tell him that, she taught him that you shouldn't change anything on your body, that be happy what God gave you and you shouldn't change anything because it's wrong. Carly warned Luka that he shouldn't be around people like that, maybe that why she won't let Luka help him.

Luka watched as the man grabbed his leather jacket and walked back to his new house. He got up and walked out of his room, knocking on Hannah's door causing her to yell 'open!'

"Hannah... Did you see the man across the street?" Luka asked after he opened the door, leaning against the door frame. "Yes, you shouldn't really talk about him..." Hannah trailed off, turning to face Luka who gave her a confused look. "Why?" Luka questioned, Hannah told him to take a seat on the bed. She was sitting in her chair, crossing her legs.

"Haven't you heard? This man is the same man that used to live in that house years back with his father before his father passed away. We should stay away from him, he might not feel comfortable around people like us," she explained, Luka didn't get it, yeah his mother didn't want him to talk to a guy who had many tattoos but what's the big deal?

"Mum didn't want me to talk to him Hannah, is it because he has tattoos?"

Hannah paused, she took a deep breath and sighed loudly.

"That man is a homosexual Luka, we shouldn't be around people like him," Hannah said, she had a disgust look on her face. Luka frowned, he knew it was wrong to be gay but he felt a bit sick when he saw his sister face expression to homosexuals.

"How do you know?"

"That's the reason why he left the house, he came out and people gave him a hard time. His father shipped him somewhere... I mean I highly doubt the man wants to raise a queer" Hannah said, she explained how wrong and disgusting the man is.

The young man was twenty now, he owned the house and now Luka had a new neighbor that his mother disliked, his sister was disgusted and his father might even hate him. He didn't know him yet, he didn't have an option yet. Luka knew he couldn't defend the guy, that he couldn't try to get his father to open their minds and learn to not judge different people.

Luka didn't understand why he was different from the others, he wasn't judgmental, was more accepting, wanted to do more then get married and get a job. He didn't want his life to be only about religion, he wanted to experience life.

It wasn't like Luka hated his life, he just felt trapped in this house. His life was dull, go to school on weekdays, hang out with Harry after school in the library. Weekends he went to church, he had religion school and on Sunday's he went to church with his family. The only thing that gave Luka excitement was going to his room at night.

That's where he was free.

That's where he can express his opinions without being yelled at, without someone shoving the bible down his throat.

He needed a way out of this town, or someone who he can talk to about things that mattered to him.

Luka knew he had a choice when he gets older, be like his parents or leave forever. Sadly Luka is only sixteen and had no choice but stay with his family. He loved them... He loved them.

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