2. Heavenly Tribulations

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The heaven officials gather to discuss serious incidents, and jump to conclusions

Back on his usual cultivator robes, Xie Lian arrived at the Great Martial Hall rebuilt with the new Heavenly Court to be the gods' assembly place; the heavenly business being discussed seemed quite serious, everyone talking at once, gesturing in hysterics. As he walked in, the arguments subsided slowly, all eyes turning to him.

He was used to it; he ascended for the third time as the Laughingstock of The Three Realms, but because of his relationship with Hua Cheng, started to be respected, favoured, even feared. However, he never changed the way he treated the other heaven officials; he never did and never would!

Stopping between Feng Xin and Mu Qing, he waited; coincidentally, it was when Ling Wen stepped in and cleared her throat, saluting him.

"Your Highness, thanks for coming. We're here to see to matters of great importance. A series of attacks, divine statue toppling and temples burning. In the last three days, more than 5000 temples are gone, wiped off from the Mortal Realm! This is very serious indeed, and – "

Ling Wen trailed off, which was in itself extraordinary; Xie Lian couldn't remember a situation when she wasn't well-spoken and poised. With all the gods nodding in agreement, she then looked at him expectantly. Xie Lian didn't know whether to laugh or cry; was it possible that all the heavens were waiting for him to offer a solution and issue commands? That couldn't be!

Pei Ming cleared his throat loudly, "Temples burning by the thousands overnight – "

Mu Qing rolled his eyes; Xie Lian really wouldn't get a hint! He said loudly, "Forgive me, but I'm under the impression that you're accusing Xie Lian somehow?"

Feng Xin also wouldn't get a hint, but hearing that, stepped in front of Xie Lian protectively, "What the f –, hum, what does His Highness have to do with all that?"

"Ahem, Your Highness", Ling Wen replied, "Not you. Crimson Rain Sought Flower. After all, he has a history of burning thousands of temples overnight..."

Xie Lian was speechless. The chaos returned with everyone speaking all at once again, baring fangs and brandishing claws when Hua Cheng's name was mentioned; if they'd do it to Hua Cheng himself that was another matter entirely. Mu Qing however didn't lose any of his composure, and just paced up and down with his hands clasped on his back.

"I'd be the last one to defend Crimson Rain Sought Flower, but for the sake of heavenly justice, I have to ask: do my lords have any evidence this is indeed his doing?"

Everyone's faces fell, silence filling the Great Martial Hall. The answer was obvious.

"I'd be the last one to defend Crimson Rain Sought Flower as well", Feng Xin said, giving Mu Qing a brief, hard look, "But, accusing without proof, and getting His Highness to stand trial on his behalf – ", he clenched his fists angrily.

"General Xuan Zhen, General Nan Yang", Pei Ming said soothingly, "We're not actually accusing Crimson Rain Sought Flower, less even His Highness. Only, hum, who else could it be?"

This was the real question! Xie Lian didn't believe it was Hua Cheng. He did have a history of burning thousands of temples overnight, but he always had set clear boundaries; if the heaven officials didn't provoke him, he wouldn't cause trouble or interfere in heavenly affairs. Also, he really couldn't care less about any other god.

And he definitely had better things to do! When Xie Lian wasn't on missions, hunting down ghosts and monsters, sometimes joined by Hua Cheng himself just for fun, they were together fixing Puqi Shrine, seeing to its devotees, at Qiandeng Temple practicing calligraphy, or... he felt his face burning.

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