7. A Spiritual Weapon

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Digging for a long lost and forgotten treasure

Following Jun Wu's idea, the four of them went to the outskirts of Royal Capital, to the rubbles of the first Heavenly Court, turned into a demonic fortress and smashed to pieces by Xie Lian's giant divine statue on a terrifying battle in the skies. They were trying to locate Jun Wu's armoury, reasoning that it wouldn't be so easily destroyed, it must be there somewhere!

In fact, at housing so many spiritual weapons, that armoury would have developed a spirit of its own; with that in mind, Xie Lian was trying to use Fang Xin to locate it. That completely black sword belonged to Jun Wu once, so it'd have a similar aura, drawn to the other as if they were siblings; indeed, twice the results for half the effort.

"Gege, you sure you can trust Jun Wu?", Hua Cheng asked, looking at Xie Lian's face, all concerned; Xie Lian looked at him back, and didn't reply.

Mu Qing replied instead, "It's not that we have a choice, this was the only lead we got so far."

Feng Xin said, "Fuck. What reason he'd have to lie?" There was that too.

But Xie Lian understood his uneasiness, looking at him tenderly. Feng Xin and Mu Qing didn't witness the bullying, harassing, psychological torture Xie Lian went through at Jun Wu's hands during his first banishment; almost losing his sanity, his faith in himself. Humiliated, pierced by a hundred swords. Hua Cheng was different; he's been there, suffering as much as Xie Lian himself.

"I wouldn't say trust, but I didn't feel any malicious intent, so unless proven guilty – ", he finally said, caressing Hua Cheng's face lightly and adding, "The person Jun Wu suggested was known by The Guoshi, and even mentioned on the old WuYong scrolls. The ones that you yourself can read, San Lang!", he concluded smiling in awe.

Hua Cheng pursed his lips, half-convinced. "I wouldn't say read, but after roaming around that kingdom for 10 years, I can make sense of its writing somewhat..."

Just then, Fang Xin jerked in Xie Lian's hands, after he's been walking around, pointing at random directions for some time. That was it! Doing a hand seal, Xie Lian summoned his giant divine statue, the very same that created those rubbles, to dig the armoury out; its slender and smooth fingers going through those debris effortlessly.

Hua Cheng then added, lowering his voice, "Remember on that night at the Royal Holy Pavilion, you said you heard a chuckle, like someone recognising you, that being personal? It makes sense."

Xie Lian nodded, thinking that, back at Mount Tong'Lu, Jun Wu himself pointed out this would be really his enemy, only he's an old, powerless god trapped under a mountain, so there would be no merit in going for him. Why throw stones down a well, kick a man who's already down?

"He's after you. Jun Wu considers you his successor, and you defeated him", Hua Cheng went on, "I said to you before: you're the most powerful, peerless martial god, thrice ascended – "

He trailed off, as Xie Lian's divine statue dug something out. It was the armoury! On the statue's huge hands, it looked like a jewellery box, its outer walls of spiritual silver worked into intricate designs. Nodding at Hua Cheng, Feng Xin and Mu Qing, they walked up to its entrance. Xie Lian put his hand on it, feeling the strong spiritual energy; it opened its door for him.

The armoury was much bigger on the inside, its spiritual silver walls stabilising the killing intent of the many weapons assembled. Indeed throughout hundreds of years, Jun Wu had gathered a collection of short and long swords, sabres, spears, staffs; he favoured noble and sophisticated, high quality, divine items with magical properties.

They looked around in amazement; what martial god or supreme ghost king wouldn't want to be locked in here forever, admiring and having a go at its many items? But they were on a mission, and, trying to focus his attention on what they were looking for, Xie Lian could easily find it. On a prominent spot, a golden glimmer all around it, clearly a treasured piece.

Xie Lian took it; it was a jian, a double-edged sword of ancient origin, known as the "gentleman of weapons", for it was used by those with great skills with the blade. It was a staple for aristocratic self-defence and a fashionable part of royal apparel for ages. After a few centuries, its use in battles went out of favour, but it still played a highly ceremonial and prestigious role.

This one was all golden, with a sunray design on its guard and blade; its name was in fact Tayang, "The Sun", and it seemed to shine warmly on Xie Lian's hands, brimming with an ancient spiritual power. Xie Lian waved it around a few times, testing its grip; it was somewhat bulky, but it felt light.

Doubt was written all over again on Hua Cheng's face, and he said, "Gege, this looks more like a stately sword. Can you use it to fight? Is this blade even – "

"Excuse me? His Highness can fight with fucking anything", Feng Xin loyally said.

Mu Qing added, "It does look like a stately sword, but, if Jun Wu's idea is correct, this weapon will give us an advantage, using it will be like ascending to the skies with a single leap – "

"If Jun Wu idea is correct, that's what I'm getting at", Hua Cheng replied.

"San Lang, Tayang is a top-class spiritual weapon. I know you don't trust Jun Wu, but it is a well-known fact that a divine sword, being left behind by its master to pursue a different cultivation method will have its power against said master doubled. So Jun Wu's idea is worth a try, and it was kind of lucky he still had this sword here – "

"It's the only advantage we can think of", Feng Xin added, "Who knows what mountains of blades and seas of fire we have ahead of us".

Hua Cheng pursed his lips; he definitely didn't trust Jun Wu!

Xie Lian touched his face again, and smiled, "Don't worry. I can fight with it. Let's go".

They walked out of the armoury, jumping back on the rubbles, still deciding on the next step, since, as Mu Qing said, they wouldn't be able to lure the tiger away from the mountain. The sun was high on the cloudless skies, shining fiercely.

Shading his face with his hand, Xie Lian said, "Man proposes, heaven disposes; even the best-laid plans can go awry." They followed his gaze all the way up to the face of his giant divine statue, and he added, "This time, we'll need all help we can get."

Thank you for reading! Let's brace ourselves for what it's coming... 😶

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