05: Present Day

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"What are you doing here?"

Taehyung's hoarse voice forces your eyes off the ceiling onto your side where he's currently hugging his pillow, messy hair and pouty lips on display.

"Trying to get some rest after I saved your drunk ass last night," you bitterly respond. "I got to you before any compromising photos or videos were taken. You're welcome."

"Hmm, thanks," he groans. "But uh, why are you here? Didn't you say you wanted proper rest in your house before seeing your family today?"

"Right, uh... you see. Yoongi drove us here, and then he asked if I wanted a ride home but I kinda panicked and said I'm sleeping over so... Here I am!" You laugh, unconvincingly. "My rental car's on the way here. I'll drive to my house and then go to my dad's."

"Ugh, you're so dumb," he says, sinking into his comforter. You gasp in response. "That was your chance to be alone with him but you didn't take the offer. We both know you wanted to."

"Tae, being drunk and not holding anything back doesn't mean you can just assume things like that," you respond, sitting up and frowning at him. "I didn't want to be alone with him, that's why I'm here!"

"Why didn't you want to be alone with him?" He answers back.

"Uhm, why would I want to?" You ask incredulously. "Since when was getting in a car alone with an ex ever a good idea?"

"Why? You're afraid you'd kiss him if you did?"

You scowl at your best friend. "I should've left you there drunk with possible penis drawings on your face."

"Just being honest. It's not like you've never done that with him before," he shrugs.

"I hate you."

"I know. But you'll love me later on. At least I'm still half asleep."

You push him awake, the stress heightening now as the previous night plays in your head.

"Tae! What happened to my hi, goodbye plan?!" You groan. "I was literally just supposed to say hi and then be civil, like, acknowledge his presence but not be affected by it. But then we had some small talk and he drove us home."

"We all know it was a denial plan," he huffs. "It was bound to fail."

"Gee, thanks. You're being incredibly helpful right now," you frown again.

"Fine," he grumbles, sitting now. "You had small talk, he drove you here. How are those affecting you and why are you making it a big deal?"

"I'm not making it a big deal," you point out.

"You kinda are."

"No, I'm not."

"You are because that's how things started before. And you're afraid that one small misstep will cause you to fall for him all over again, fast and hard, because that's how you are when it comes to him."

"You're hungover and tired so your judgment is impaired," you say, crossing your arms. "You remember what happened after all that. I'll be perpetually grateful that you never pushed me to talk about it unless I was drunk and couldn't remember things but I was heartbroken, Tae. And then I was numb. It took a while before I started to feel again."

"I know," he says, taking you in his arms now as he holds you like a baby - a rare occurrence, as this often happens the other way around. "And I can never fault you for it because even if it was like that summer fling that only happened in the movies, I know you loved him, genuinely and intensely, and a love like that stays with you. But he's got a good life here, ___, and you've got an amazing one in Seoul. You just have to remember why it didn't work out in the first place and make sure you don't fall into that trap again. Just... acknowledge that. For your sake. And then do what you need to do so you don't make the same mistakes again."

Enveloped in his warmth, you take in your best friend's words. He may still be hungover and may also be confused but his comfort never seizes, and it's one of the reasons why you love him dearly.

"So yeah, good on you I guess for not taking that ride with him. Maybe staying away and keeping your distance might be good," he adds.

Your silence somehow alarms him, so he nudges you. "It's a good idea, right?"

"I don't know. Suddenly I feel like staying away and keeping my distance will let him know that it still affects me. He'll always know me like that," you sigh, hugging him tightly for more comfort. "And there's this part of me that wants to show him that I'm fine, you know? That even with everything that happened between us, I walked away from it knowing what I deserve, and that's someone who'll fight through life with me. He didn't and that's on him but he had his reasons, and looking back, maybe he was right. Maybe he had to let me go, and maybe - because I loved him genuinely and intensely - I want to show him that it wasn't all in vain. And that I'm happy. Even without him."

"You don't need to prove anything to him, you know?"

Maybe I want to prove it to myself, you don't say. There's a stubbornness in you that doesn't go away.

"This isn't about him, is it?" Taehyung levels his head with you.

For someone hungover, he still knows you pretty well.

You just sigh and fall back in his arms. He doesn't push you. He just hugs you again until you both fall back in bed and he can comfortably curl his body all over you because it's Taehyung and he likes to do this.

"Just be careful, alright?" He pleads.

"You know I also kinda don't have a choice," you reply. "It's a small town and we're bound to see each other. Jungkook and Namjoon have a game here again in a few weeks and that means another get together."

"Yeah, but you know what I mean."

You hum. "Promise me you'll be by my side whatever happens?"

"Always, you stubborn woman. I'm the one person who'll never leave you even if you push me away."

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