12: Present Day

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It's been 3 days since that night when Yoongi drove almost an hour towards the mountains to see you. You rarely message and since you've been back, you've never directly told him that you wanted to talk. But you did and he dropped his player development reports the minute he heard you'd been crying.

He hasn't stopped thinking about you since then - how you sounded, how your tears seeped through his shirt, how your stained cheek felt against his touch, how your words of need and appreciation pierced through his heart because he realized how badly he wanted to be there for you during the years you were apart.

He remembers the day he let you walk away and how it broke him from the inside to watch you cry and not be able to do anything about it because he'd been the coward who let you go. He remembers the curve of your lips after a good cry and the shyness in your eyes right after it. The other night, he saw them, and though he was never the affectionate type, he had to stop himself from holding you tighter in the hope that it would help heal your heart a little bit more.

He just wanted you to be okay, but he also found himself drowning in your warmth, in your scent, in the familiarity of your touch and your need for him. He found himself wanting more - more time, more talks, more of you.

Yoongi curses at himself at the thought. He realizes it wasn't just that night; it was every time, especially when you invited him inside your house. The comfort was too familiar, yet it also felt different, as you're ex-lovers at the end of their twenties who'd gone through so much apart.

But you find yourselves in the same space again after the heartbreak and the moving on had happened. He wonders what parts of him he'd left in you, and if at any point, you missed all of what you lost, too.

He didn't expect you to be back here. And when he got over the shock, he didn't expect to see you as much as he did. And when you'd both had closure over your breakup and the years in between, he didn't expect he'd want you again.

All he set out to do was let you know that he turned out okay, to comfort himself in knowing that somehow, what he did brought you to the good place where you deserve to be. But now he finds himself wondering if letting you walk away that first time for you to be back here after all these years is a test, or the universe's way of mocking him, of making him suffer. Or if it's another chance.

His thoughts are disrupted when the microwave beeps to signal that the rice has been heated. He takes it out and is about to fry the beef ribs when the doorbell rings, and Yoongi wonders if it's his brother or dad who decided to pay him a visit.

His eyes widen when he sees you standing outside his door looking a little shy and worried.

"Hey," he manages to say. "You're... here."

"I know, sorry it's so sudden," you reply. "I know you hate surprise visits but if you're busy, I can just—"

He pulls your wrist to both your surprise and he shakes his head. "No, I'm not. I was just about to make dinner. Come in."

You enter as he steps aside. "Oh, okay. I was in the area since I had my clothes washed and I had your jackets with me." You take them from your arms and give them to him. "Here. Thank you again."

"Sure thing," he hums, placing them on the chair and proceeding to stir fry the meat. "Have you had anything to eat?"

"Not yet. I was gonna pass by somewhere on the way home."

"Are you okay with beef ribs?"

"Yeah but, you don't actually have to serve me dinner," you say. "I mean, I— oh wow, that smells so good."

He laughs at your wide eyes. "I've got enough. It'll be done soon. You can get some drinks in the fridge."

You look at him warily before looking around.

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