18: Present Day

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The bell over the door of the shop rings, and in you come in a yellow linen ensemble that Yoongi especially likes. His smile is immediate and it grows wider when you walk behind the counter where he is and kiss him.

"Missed you this morning," you pout, taking his hand even if he still isn't a hand-holder, but he lets you do it because it's something you like to do.

"Yeah, me, too. I just needed to get here early to help my dad with some orders," Yoongi says. "A couple wanted cutting boards for their entourage and it's too much for him to work on his own. It tired him out actually. He left at lunchtime to rest."

"Is he okay? You said he's been getting more tired than usual."

"I think it's running this place that exhausts him," he sighs. "I've been telling him to involve my cousins since he wants to keep the business within the family but he's so stubborn; he doesn't think they'll appreciate it as much because they didn't grow up in the shop. And then when I help, he says I help too much."

"Maybe you're too blunt when you tell him," you chuckle.

"How else am I supposed to tell him?" Yoongi arches his brow. "We don't sugarcoat things around here."

"Well then maybe your words need a little more love and care," you smile. "Convince him that way; maybe he'll give in."

"Fine. When I figure out how to do that, then I will," he laughs. "Anyway, why are you here? I thought you were doing errands."

"I was. But then Hoseok asked to call and then we ended up talking for 2 hours and I needed a break," you answer. "My dry clean can wait."

"Was it bad?"

"No, not at all," you smile. "The call was just too long but I also wanted to see you right away. I'm staying here for another week."

"Really? How'd that happen?" He asks, feeling all sorts of warmth, knowing he'd be with you for a few more days.

"Jin asked to move our filming so I asked to move my photo shoot," you smile proudly. "And I arranged my schedule with Hoseok already. I've got days in the week I could drive out here and stay with you. Some weeks will be busier than others, though."

Yoongi's heart sinks. Of course this is something you've thought about. You went ahead and thought he wouldn't be driving out to see you, too.

"I can drive out to you, you know? You're the one with the busy schedule," he says.

"So are you. Baby, you're training college kids. And you're helping your dad out here. I already know you won't be taking a rest."

"And you're the celebrity with so many events and filming and photoshoots to go to," he counters. "You won't be taking a rest."

"Well then how do you expect us to see each other if we don't plan to?"

His silence prompts you to continue. "You haven't thought about it yet, have you?"

"Of course I have. Even if all I want is to savor our time together, the thought of us being apart again bugs me everyday. It... it got hard the first time. It took a lot from us."

"Because we were different people back then," you explain. "I was just starting out with barely any projects and you were recovering. But now, we're more capable, more confident. I can't be the only one thinking this is gonna work out this time. Please tell me I'm wrong."

The worry in your face starts to worry Yoongi, too. But he wants to be the strong one this time, even if everything scares him right now.

"You are wrong, because we're gonna be fine," he assures you, hand on your cheek to calm you down. "We'll make time and we'll find something that's more permanent, okay? We have just a bit more time left. Do you think we can just focus on that first?"

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