25: Present Day

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Jung Hoseok is a lot of things - a committed professional, a reliable friend, and a caring manager. Other than finding ways to comfort you during that last week before leaving despite your respective busy schedules, he'd made sure that you and Jimin didn't have anything to worry about when you arrived here, and that included getting you the comfortable apartment of your dreams.

"___, it's as lovely as you said," he chirps as he enters the common space right off the main entrance, past the French doors. It's been a few weeks since filming started and he's finally able to visit you. He looks around at the intricate molding, at the chic interior, and the stunning view from the balcony. "It's charming like you. It totally fits."

"Well, thank you for giving me great options," you smile. "Living in a hotel would've been too suffocating. Ha-neul says that much. He says he wishes his manager suggested living somewhere like this."

"Ah, well, he could always change agencies," Hoseok laughs. "But everything's good? Everyone's nice and treating you well? Getting along with your co-actors? Lessons are bearable? Directors aren't working you too hard?"

You look at your manager with affection before you answer. "Yes to everything. The past weeks have been great. Jimin and I have all that we need. The directors and crew are all helpful. The lessons aren't too hard. And other than my co-actors being incredibly handsome, they're also really nice. I hang out with Ha-neul and Pablo sometimes and the cast has meals together after filming, too. Everything's going well, Hoseok. We haven't done the challenging scenes yet but I think I'm ready for them. Thank you."

"Ah, that's good," he sighs in relief, hugging you tightly. "Jimin said you've been doing great but I wanted to come here and see for myself. I don't want this amazing project to be tainted by bad behind-the-scenes experiences for you. And you know, I wanted to make sure that you were okay."

The sad look he gives you lets you know what he means, and somehow you think that's what he was more worried about. You let yourself cry to him after arriving from Daegu that last week, not wanting to hide anything, and he's been quite worried ever since. But you assure him that you're taking things much better this time, and that you're choosing to not let the heartbreak be in vain by making sure you give your all to this project.

"So, for how long are you here?" You ask, as Jimin arrives and starts unpacking the groceries he's bought.

"A week," Hoseok replies. "I'll watch your filming and photoshoot and then take another week off to go to Belgium with my friends. But I had to come here a day earlier so I could give you this."

He hands you a Tiffany & Co. box. Inside it is their limited edition rose gold diamond necklace that you'd been eyeing.

"They wanted you to have it before the article drops tomorrow," he adds, given that you'd worn the brand for your interview about the series, which included you modeling their classic jewelry. "They want you to endorse their upcoming line. I've got the contract details."

"Oh my god," you squeal, immediately wearing the piece. "This is stunning. And so you mean they want to officially work with me?"

"Yeah," the man smiles. "Not just during interviews this time. They've been seeing your social media posts and are liking the elegant look you've been sporting. And with the upcoming series, they want to snatch you before anyone else does."

"I'm partly to thank for those photos," Jimin claims with a proud grin. "I tell her to pose and I happen to be an amazing photographer, too."

"You are and yes, thank you," you hum, thinking that you should already give him the bracelet you planned to surprise him with.

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