14: Rewind

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8 years ago

It's been a full week since you've met Min Yoongi. It's also been a week since the last time you kissed. You won't deny that you've been meaning to do it again; every time he drags his tongue through his teeth, it's incredibly tempting. But you also won't deny how much you've been enjoying the past few days with him.

You learn something about him everyday. Like how his dream for basketball started, that he took piano lessons as a kid, and that his dad runs the famous antique shop in town and Yoongi spent a lot of time there growing up. You learn about his closeness with the old man and his love-hate relationship with his older brother. You find out about his mother leaving when he was a teenager, a story that mirrors yours, although he said that they don't speak as much as they used to.

He also likes reading books and watching documentaries, but that a perfect day for him is one that's spent at home with his americano, lounging around and taking naps, and shooting hoops in the evening. It's the type of day that's unlike any of the ones you've been having.

Since that late night cafe run where you spoke for hours, you and Yoongi have gone to a few more, found a hole-in-the-wall with the best dumplings, explored parks, drove to the outskirts of town and gazed at empty fields, and have been pretty much walking around, peeping in shops and entering the ones that pique your interest.

Yoongi doesn't complain. He's patient when you take a long time to decide where to go and what to do, and he watches you in amusement whenever you skip down the street or insist on laying on the grass. You know this last bit because you've seen it - that glimmer in his eyes and the softness of his smile.

Taehyung doesn't believe you when you describe it; he's rarely ever seen his senior make eye contact nor show much interest in anyone in all the years that your best friend has known him. But you insist that you see it, that Yoongi's smile is usually brief and shy, but you catch it during the instances that you look his way, which is many times, given just how alluring and good-looking he is.

Sure, the supposed nonchalance is attractive; you know lots of girls who'd fall for his mysterious aura. But that's just a part of it for you. You know that underneath the seeming disinterest, he's actually very attentive. He remembers things you've said, points out something at a store that you mentioned you've been looking for, and buys you bottled water once you feel dehydrated from the heat before you even say anything. After that one time you said you like your coffee with ¾ milk, he makes sure to get you extra every time.

So while you wish he'd kiss you again, you don't really mind the ways you've been getting to know each other. He wouldn't be messaging you what your plans for the day are and then showing up outside your house if he wasn't interested.

Today's afternoon breeze is cooler than usual. It's why before heading for dinner and noraebang with your newfound friends, you decide to walk around another part of town with Yoongi. He's in his usual knee-ripped jeans and plain shirt, his baseball cap worn backwards, and his hands inside his pockets.

You're walking next to him, excitedly talking about your classes for the upcoming school year and the studio visits you'll make, before you skip towards a flower shop and head inside.

It's the biggest one you've seen so far and there are so many different types that you gasp in awe. The owner, an elderly woman, smiles brightly at you as you look around. The daisies catch your eyes as they always do, but you can't help but beam at the bouquet of marigolds she's arranging. You converse with her - you say you're visiting for the summer and she says it's harvesting time for these bright flowers. Your energy and sunny disposition remind her of them, so she plucks a small piece and tucks it behind your ear.

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