Chapter 12

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•°Corinne's POV°•

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•°Corinne's POV°•

After our discussion at the festival, we split up with the instructions to be at Bill's in two hours, Ben and I went to his house to spend some time together, laying on his bed as we talked about anything that wasn't involved with it.

Taking the projector image of Derry's map on it, as Bill has asked, we made our way to his house, the two of us were the last ones to arrive, not that it bothered me in the slightest.

Mike closed the garage door behind us, I saw all the windows were covered darkening the garage even more, Ben handed the image over to Bill and took a seat next to Beverly and I.

"Okay, look. That's where Georgie disappeared, there's the ironworks, and the blackspot. Everywhere it happens it's all connected by the sewers, and they all meet up at the..." Bill says, pointing at the map on the wall.

"The well house." Ben finished.

"It's in the house on Neibolt street." Stanley says. "You mean that creepy ass house where all the junkies and hobo's like to sleep?" Richie questions.

I always felt like something evil might live there, I never thought I would be correct about it.

"I hate that place it always feels like it's watching me." Beverly states. I put a comforting hand on her shoulder, knowing exactly how she feels.

"That's where I saw it, that's where I saw the clown." Eddie says, struggling to breath, he took out his inhaler taking a puff.

"That's where it lives." Bill states in realization. "I can't imagine anything ever wanting to live there." Stanley says.

Eddie suddenly jumped up, scaring me out of my skin. "Can we stop talking about this? I can barely breathe. This is summer, were kids, I can barely breathe. I'm up here having a fucking asthma attack." Eddie says, freaking out, he turned ripping off the map.

"I'm not doing this." He says.

"What the hell? Put the map back." Bill said in a harsh tone. Eddie shook his head, the projectors sudden clicking drawing our attention to the wall as it flipped through pictures of Bill's family.

"What happened?" Bill asks confused, staring at the wall. "What's going on?" Stanley asks as I held onto Ben's arm, "I got it. Hold on." Mike said taking a look, he pulled out the plug, but it was still on.

"Guys." Mike says, I was starting to really hate this thing. The thing stopped on a certain picture zooming in on Bill's little brother.



The clicking by the projector got more rapidly. The picture went over to Bill's mother, her hair all over her face, the closer it zoomed in on her face, the clearer the face got, only it wasn't Mrs Denbrough, it was the clown with a mocking smile on his face.

"What the fuck!" Richie yelled in shock. "It's it!" Bill points out, like we couldn't see that ourselves. Ben helped me stand up as we back up. "What the fuck is that? What the fuck is that?" Richie yelled holding onto Eddie. "I don't fucking know!" Eddie yelled back.

"Turn that damn thing off. Turn it off!" I yelled in fear and annoyance. "Yeah. Yeah, turn it off. Turn it off!" Richie yelled, but still didn't do anything. Mike was the one kicking the projector over.

One moment there was no clown, the next he was in the garage with us, it's  eyes crazy, drool running out of it's mouth. It came charging straight at us, "Run, Stanley!" Richie yelled, the boys got backed up by the garage door.

Beverly and I was on the opposite side of the room, as we became it's targets. I held onto Beverly the last I saw was the clown reaching out to us. I closed my eyes, I could hear the door open, peeking through one eye after a few seconds, I saw the clown was gone.

Bev pulled away from dashing straight into Bill's arms. I slowly walked to the others, Ben didn't say anything, just pulled me into his arms, and I didn't want him to let go.

"It saw us! It saw us and it knows where we are." Eddie said freaking out once again. "It always did. So let's go!" Bill states making his way out the garage. "Go? Go where?" Ben asks tightening the hold on my waist.

"Neibolt. That's where G-g-georgie is." Bill states. This guy must be crazy or not thinking straight at this very moment.

"After that?" Stanley snapped in question. "Yeah, it's summer. We should be outside." Richie says softly.

"If you say, it's summer one more fucking time..." Denbrough didn't finish his sentence, he grabbed his bike getting on it and drove away leaving all of us behind.

"Bill! Wait!" Beverly yelled after him. All of us ended up following him anyway, we couldn't let him get killed, "Bill! Bill, you can't go in there. This is crazy!" Bev told him throwing her bike to the ground, the others did too, except me and Stanley.

"Look, you don't have to come in with me, but what happens when another Georgie goes missing? Or another Betty? Or another Ed Corcoran? Or one of us? Are you just gonna pretend it isn't happening, like everyone else in this town? Because I can't, I go home and all I see is that Georgie isn't there, his clothes, his toys, his stupid stuffed animals, but... He isn't. So walking into this house, for me, it's easier than walking into my own." Bill gave us an entire speech.

"Wow." Richie said.

"What?" Ben asks confused.

"He didn't stutter once." Richie says impressed.

I couldn't believe we were actually following him, until Stanley spoke up making me very happy.

"Wait! Um, shouldn't we have some people keep watch? You know just in case something bad happens?" He asks.

"Who wants to stay out here?" Bill asks us.

Most hands went up, mine including.



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