dustin x reader

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this is from Dustin's pov💞

I was sitting in my room, scrolling through Instagram(please pretend they have phones ☹️), when I saw her. Her name was Sophia, and she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had long brown hair and big brown eyes, and every picture of her seemed to radiate confidence and grace.

I knew I had to meet her.

The next day at school, I spent all my free time trying to find Sophia. I walked through the halls, looking for her, but I couldn't seem to find her. Finally, as I was about to give up, I saw her standing at her locker.

I took a deep breath and walked over to her.

"Hey, I'm Dustin," I said, trying to sound confident.

Sophia looked at me and smiled.

"I'm Sophia," she said. "What's up?"

We started talking, and I was surprised to find that we had a lot in common. We both loved comic books and video games, and we even shared the same taste in music. As we talked, I felt like I was really connecting with her.

Over the next few weeks, Sophia and I started hanging out more and more. We would go to the arcade together and play video games, or go to the comic book store and browse the shelves. It was the happiest I had ever been, and I felt like I had finally found someone who understood me.

But then, one day, Sophia told me that she was moving away. She was going to a school in another state, and she didn't know when she would be back.

I felt like my world had ended. Sophia was the only friend I had ever really connected with, and now she was leaving me. I didn't know how I was going to go on without her.

But as I sat in my room, feeling sorry for myself, I heard a knock at my door. It was y/n, my other best friend.

"Hey, I heard about Sophia," she said, giving me a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry."

I started to cry, and y/n hugged me.

"It's okay," she said. "We'll get through this together."y/n giving me a peck on the cheek.

And in that moment, I realized that y/n right. I didn't need Sophia to be happy. I had y/n, and that was enough.

Over the next few months, y/n and I became even closer. We started hanging out more and more, and I felt like I was finally starting to come out of my shell. I was still sad that Sophia was gone, but I knew that y/n would always be there for me. And in that moment, I felt like I had everything I needed.

make sure you finished your hw📚

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