Chapter One

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Have you ever had a really strange day? If you have, then you know how I felt today. But maybe not, because I'm betting you that today was weirder than any of YOUR strange days. Here, just read on...

I​ go to Middleton Elementary School. I'm in 5th grade, Ms. Joanna's class. I'm not really one of the popular ones there, but almost everyone knows me as a friend, enemy, and so on so forth.

T​oday, right before lunch, I had to go to the restroom. So I went. (Well, DUH. I HAD to tell you that, didn't I?)

I​ exited my classroom into the bustling hallway. Kids were rushing down the corridor to the lunchroom, talking excitedly and shoving other kids out of the way.

I​ weaved my way to the restroom and bounded in, sagging at the thought that there would be a long line of kids waiting to do their business ahead of me.

I​nstead, I saw something so weird I still think of it as a crazy dream.

T​he restroom was empty. No one was there. And it wasn't even a restroom.

I​t was a huge room, larger than even my whole house. Twelve thrones were set in a U­-shape, and on each of the thrones sat a large statue. At least, I thought they were statues until one of them moved.

I​ yelped. "Who are you? And why am I here? This is a dream, isn't it?"

T​he one who moved had long stormy gray hair, a gray beard, and matching gray eyes. His face was grim, but also somewhat handsome and proud. He looked like he was going out to do business, dressed all formally in a blue suit, but what was NOT formal about him was that in his hand was a giant, crackling lightning bolt.

"​Crystal," he boomed, his voice filling the whole room. I shuddered. How the heck did he know my name? "I am Zeus, Lord of Lightning, King of the Sky, and the Ruler of Olympus."

"​You're kidding," I muttered. This COULDN'T be Zeus. The Greek gods weren't even real!

"​I am not," Zeus bellowed. "Do you want me to demonstrate?" He raised his lightning bolt and I flinched, even though this was a clearly a dream.

"​That would not be wise," a gray­-eyed woman intervened. She had long black hair, and she was dazzlingly beautiful in the elegant white dress she was wearing. "Especially if we need this girl to save your daughter, Zeus." She gazed at me kindly, and I caught a twinge of pride and wistfulness in her gaze. "Hello, Crystal. I am Athena, goddess of wisdom, battle strategy, and arts and crafts. And yes, the Greek gods are real. Why would we be here if we were not?"

I​ pinched myself, hard. "Okay, I'm not dreaming. I'm hallucinating. It must be because I slept really late last night because of homework. Right?"

Z​eus made a low rumbling sound deep in his throat, obviously angry.

I​ held up my hands in surrender. "Okay, okay, jeez! Am I not allowed to have my own beliefs?"

"The girl is right, Father," Athena put in. "Everybody has their own beliefs, and I promise you, Father, after her adventure, she will be believing in the Greek gods. Besides, we need her help. Please explain, Father."

"​All right," Zeus growled. He glowered at me, obviously still resenting me. "As you see, Crystal, the throne beside Athena's is empty."

I​ looked Athena's way and saw that Zeus was right. The empty throne was all silver, with full moons hovering above it and a cushion that suspiciously looked like it was made of wolf skin.

"​It's Artemis's, right?" I questioned. "Isn't she, like, the goddess of moon and the Hunt?"

"​Oh, so this girl does have some brain cells in her puny head," Zeus muttered.

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