Chapter 5: Crystal's POV

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Oh, great. I winced as Roselyn kicked me on the leg again, her sharp toenails digging into my flesh.

I rolled away from her, wondering what the heck was bothering her. Meanwhile, Leafy was sleeping peacefully while Kasey had gone out into the snow to guard us.

And me? Well, I couldn't sleep. End of story.

I smoothly dodged another kick from Roselyn, and, groaning, got up, planning to take a short walk into the woods.

Exiting the tent, I had no time to figure out why Kasey wasn't anywhere to be seen because Zeus's voice boomed into my head at that moment: Hello, Crystal.

I stood stiff with fury. YOU! You come here NOW? What about all those other times I actually NEEDED your help, like when I was in that Labyrinth YOU forced me to go into, huh? Your daughter, Roselyn, is okay, but you? NO WAY! You have problems, Lord Zeus. Huge ones.

The sky rumbled, and I knew I had made Zeus furious, but I didn't care. I felt like I could take him on, just think of a strategy and take him on!

Ah, thinking like your mother, Zeus bellowed, tight fury in his voice. Of course, you're so much more stupid. I mean, you will never defeat me. I am the Lord of the Sky, King of the gods! I will blast you to ashes!

Father, you will NOT hurt my daughter, a slightly familiar woman's voice intervened.

Mother? I asked. Who exactly are you, may I question?

I think you know, the woman answered. Use your brain; it was given to you for a reason.

And yes, I did know. I realized why that voice seemed familiar. I realized how facts just randomly popped into my head. I realized why I had a knack for coming up with strategies.

My mother was Athena, goddess of wisdom.


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