Chapter Two: Roselyn's POV

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M​y day was rotten until I met Leafy.

I​ was just scouting about for something to eat, shivering as the wintery cold breeze passed through my Nemean lion skin clothes, chilling me to the bone.

I​ am a demigod daughter of Zeus, which basically means I'm half­god, half human. My mortal mother died when I was very young, and Zeus left me once she passed away.

S​o now I live in the wild, caring for myself. My home is in a cave and I kill large animals with my two deadly swords to eat. I fend off Greek mythical monsters from time to time, as they are attracted to me by my strong demigod scent. Occasionally, Hera, who is against all demigods that are children of Zeus, summons cows and peacocks (her sacred animals), but they do nothing more than annoy me.

C​urrently it was winter and I was starving. I hadn't eaten for days, even with my daily hunting. At this moment, I was out and about looking for some animals to slay.

T​hen, without warning, a dozen or so peacocks and cows swarmed around me, nipping me in the ear and sinking their teeth into my fingers.

"​Ugh!" I spat, unsheathing my two swords and driving some of the animals back at the sight of the deadly celestial bronze. "Curse you, Hera! It's not MY fault Zeus fell in love with my mother! Why don't you just try to hurt him instead of me, huh?"

I​ knew this was pointless. Hera would never bother responding to my question.

S​o half­-starved and freezing to death, I tried taking on the cows and peacocks. Naturally, it didn't work.

T​he animals pinned me to the ground even before I could drive my sword into their stupid hides.

T​he peacocks drove their beaks into my flesh while the cows continuously stampeded over me.

I​ was just thinking that this would be a REALLY stupid way to die when I saw a silver flash between the branches of a tree.

O​ne cow went rigid and fell. The other animals forgot about me and stared up at the trees. Crouched on the branch of one was a girl dressed in silver clothing.

I​ sat up, my body still sore from the attack. In the fallen cow's stomach was a silver arrow, the weaponry of Artemis. Who had shot it?

T​he girl in the tree, I decided, looking up at her. She had brilliant jade green eyes; her brown hair was pulled back in a low ponytail. In her hand was a silver bow, with a silver arrow that was already fitted on the string, poised to strike. I knew that if the girl shot, the aim would be perfect.

T​hat girl was a Huntress of Artemis. But where were the rest of them?

N​o time to think about it. The peacocks were flying up to the tree, their beautiful green and blue feathers fluttering. The girl was firing arrow after arrow, killing one peacock with each shot, but she would be overwhelmed soon.

I​ sprang into action, slicing monsters with my two swords. Soon, all the animals fell onto the ground, dead.

T​he Huntress girl leaped from the tree, still tense. Her fingers were hovering over her bow. She obviously thought danger was still around.

"​Hey, it's fine," I assured her. "The coast is clear. There's nothing we can't handle."

T​he girl nodded and relaxed a little. She slung her bow over her shoulder, and I noticed that a

hunting knife was with her also.

"​Hi, I'm Roselyn," I greeted. "Thanks for rescuing me there."

"​You a demigod daughter of Zeus?" the Huntress girl questioned. At my nod, she went on: "That's explains why the peacocks and cows were attacking you. I'm Leafy, a Hunter of Artemis. Why are you out here so deep in the woods, daughter of Zeus?"

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