Chapter Six: Roselyn's POV

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I woke up bleary-eyed, my head spinning like crazy.

Leafy was already awake, sipping hot chocolate. She grinned. "So the sleepyhead's finally awake, huh?"

I just nodded, not in the mood for jokes at the moment. "Where's Crystal? I need to tell both of you something. Important. Now."

Leafy knitted her eyebrows. "Err, I think she's outside. I'll-"

Just then, Crystal burst into the tent. Her face was red, her gray eyes filled with shock. She was in her typical clothing - jacket over her long-sleeved shirt, jeans with her shapeshifting mechanical pencil strapped to her belt. Shivering, she just stood there, staring blankly at us.

I felt her skin and ushered her into the blankets at the ice-cold touch.

"You've been out there for a long time," I remarked. "And your skin is freezing. I think Leafy and I deserve a full explanation."

Leafy managed to force some hot chocolate into Crystal. "Yeah, you've been out there for what, the whole night? Tell us why."

Crystal hesitated. "I...I'm not sure I-"

"Please?" I begged.

She sighed, giving in. "Well...there's no other way to put this..." She took a deep breath and whispered in a hushed tone, " mother is Athena."

My eyes widened. "WHA!"

"It actually makes sense, Roselyn," Leafy says. "Crystal's smart, good at planning strategies, plus she has Athena's gray eyes."

Slowly I processed what my friend pointed out. She was right; it DID make sense. But still, I always assumed Crystal's mother was mortal. I was obviously wrong.

"Okay, whatever," I said, letting the subject drop. "I have something important to tell you, too."

Leafy leaned in. "Ooohhh, looking serious. What is it, Roselyn?"

Suddenly, Kasey entered the tent, a bright smile on her face. "You ready, guys?"

Leafy grinned at the sight of her friend. "YAAAAHHHH!!" she yelled enthusiastically.

"Let's go rescue Artemis!" Crystal exclaimed.

"Yeah!" I agreed, plastering on a fake smile to cover up my anxiety.

Kasey got up, smiling widely. "Let's go!"

She exited the tent with Leafy, Crystal, and I on her heels. Once out, she snapped her fingers and the tent dissolved into a silver flash.

"I hope none of you left something important in there?" Kasey asked.

"Nope," Leafy answered.

Kasey grinned and nodded, leading the way to where the hill of boulders used to stand. The hill of boulders that nearly killed Leafy.

"This," Kasey said, indicating the ground we stood on, "is where Crystal and I exited the Labyrinth."

"That's right," Crystal agreed. "And we're going in this time."

Kasey went over to a giant boulder that she, Crystal, and I couldn't seem to move when we were trying to uncover Leafy. "Roselyn, Crystal, you know why we couldn't move this thing?"

"No, why?" I asked curiously.

"Because," Kasey said, "this boulder has the mark of Daedalus on it." She pointed toward a Delta symbol at the top-ish part of the boulder. Faded, but definitely the Delta symbol.

"We're going in," Kasey announced, touching it with one finger.

The next thing I knew was that we were falling, plummeting to our deaths.


A/N: Vote if you liked it. :)


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