⁷ to smelling you in their amortentia

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Harry Potter:

- he would def know right away
- idk i feel like he pays attention to that stuff
- he probably will wait to tell u until after class
- "uh y/n. I smelled your perfume. I just wanted to let you know"


Ron Weasley:

- i feel like this man will freak out a little
- he will have to keep smelling it to make sure it's you
- "hey! Y/n what's the perfume you use, like what scent?"
- "vanilla why?"
- "oh uh well i think i smelled you in my potion"


Cedric Diggory:

- he def already knows he's gonna smell you
-once he does you see him smile and looks at you
- later in class he will whisper "obviously it was you y/n"


Neville Longbottom:

- this man is a hot mess because he is scared he won't smell you
- he finally makes his potion and smells your scent in his potion
- "oh thank merlin"
- he is totally really excited to tell you that he smelled you


Tom Riddle:

- bye he is making his potion SO slow because he is scared he won't smell you
- before he tests it out he smiled at you like 😀
- bye his shoulders relax and you hear him do a sigh of relief once he smells it and it's u


Fred Weasley:

- i feel like he is probably freaking out
- " george what if i don't smell y/n?"
- George: "oh you will you two are practically soulmates"
- once he makes the potion and smells it this man looks straight at you
- "i knew it. Urs better smell like me"


George Weasley:

- i feel like he wouldn't feak out and keep his cool
- once he smells it he quickly knows it's you
- "mine smelled like you y/n. It smelled like your laundry detergent and dorm"


Oliver Wood:

- he totally knows it's gonna be you and has no doubts
-once he makes it this man does not hesitate to smell it
- you see his face light up once he smelled you
- "it's you y/n now you better go to my next match"


Credits: the.daily.prophet.18

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