¹⁴ them bringing your deceased parents in an argument (as enemies)

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Harry Potter

(Sooo... Harry's parents are dead too so idk how we or he would feel abt this. Cause like either he wouldn't even say it since he knows what it would be like, or it doesn't even hurt your feelings since his parents are dead too😭)


Ronald Weasley

You walked in slightly late to dinner to see Ron's friend group siting near yours. You leaned your head back in frustration as you walked over to your friends and sat across from Ron.
Ron: No need for tye attitude y/n.
You: What attitude.
Ron: Don't play dumb.
From then on the argument was in full swing. Your friends were just watching you two bicker from the side.
It wasn't long before Ron couldn't control his temper anymore and he brought up your parents. He immediately stopped himself in the middle of the sentence.
You: No go on Ron. What were you going to say?
Ron: nothing... nothing just- just forget it.
You: No go on please. I'd love to hear it.
Ron: Y/n don't be like that. I'm sorry-
You scoffed and nodded your head sarcastically
You: you're "sorry"
You shot up out of your seat and slammed the doors to the great hall shut behind you.


Ferret boy

You and Draco were in another meaningless, back and forth argument like usual. It didn't seem like anything special, until it started heating up.
Draco: Well at least my parents are still alive.
You: I- what-
Draco's eyes almost left his skull when he realised what he had jist said. You knew Draco was your enemy, but you never knew he would stoop that low.
As tears started to brim your eyes, you tried your absolute hardest to keep it together. You let out a defeated sigh and dropped your head down to cover your embarrassment and sadness. You couldn't face Draco at that moment, you just wanted to leave. To go to your room and cry and never come out. So that's what you were going to do.
Draco: No y/n wait I'm sorry!
You walk off with a tear running down your face as Draco watched you. He felt like an idiot and he was. He couldn't shake the guilty feeling and he tried to apologize to you almost everyday, but you weren't having it.


Cedric Diggory

After school was finally over, you decided to go to the courtyard to relax before you had to study and go to dinner. Little did you know that was where Cedric and his friends hung out after school as well.
Cedric's friend: Oi Ced is that y/n?
Cedric: Oh for Merlin's sake.
After that, an argument was created and it just kept going and going. You and Cedric were fighting back and forth and it was getting exhausting. That was until Cedric mumbled something about your parents under his breath.
You: Pardon?
Cedric: N-nothing. Just forget I said that.
You: Unbelievable.
You shoved Cedric and his friends out of the way as you walked off. Cedric's heart broke seeing how upset he made you and he hated himself for how petty and immature he was being. All he wanted was to be friends with you at least, and he had just ruined it.



You were walking down the halls to your next class with George by your side. You were both in the middle of a quite heated argument and it was only getting worse.
George: *brings up dead parents*
Man did that take you by surprise. You dropped your books to the floor and immediately knelt down to pick them up. You were incredibly embarrassed by George's remark and the fact you dropped your books.
You: Harsh blow.
George froze as he watched you collect your books from the floor. He felt so bad he couldn't even put it into words.
George: Y/n I- I didn't mean- I'm so sorry-
You: It's fine.
Once you finally picked up your books, you adjusted your uniform with the other hand and walked off to your dorm. You were not in the mood for class right now. Obviously George knew it wasn't fine and he was going to try his best to fix it.



Fred was not in a good mood so you were preparing yourself for another argument with him. You guys would have arguments every day but everytime Fred was moody, it was always worse. Your efforts to avoid him were useless as you accidentally bumped into him in the hallway. You sighed with defeat and it stared. Fred started blabbering about how useless you were and honestly you were just drowing him out until you heard him bring up your parents
You: Excuse me!?
Fred: I- no no no fuck. Y/n I'm sorry. Please listen to me-
You had had enough of Fred's shit so you brushed past him and stormed off.
Fred: Wait y/n!
Frec felt incredibly guilty as he watched you walk off.


Oliver Wood

You were in quidditch practice with Oliver and he was trying to teach the team a new trick. However, Oliver was teaching the team the wrobg technique and you noticed straight away.
You: Oliver?
Oliver: What?
You: I'm pretty sure you're supposed to do it this way.
After you demonstrated how you were supposed to do it, Oliver realized you were right. But, he didn't like the fact that you "upstaged him" so he decided to start and argument with you. The whole team was watching you two fight about something quite stupid. So when Oliver brought up your parents for such a dumb thing, you were very mad
You: How dare you.
Your tone remained calm which is why Oliver could tell you were sk Upset. He felt incredibly embarrassed and he immediately regretted the whole argument.
Oliver: No y/n come back. I'm sorry I was being stupid! Wait!


Tom riddle

You and Tom were in the library, whisper-yelling at each other about a question for potions class. Tom thought it was one answer and you thought it was the other so naturally being enemies, you made it into a bigger argument than it should have been. The fight just kept getting more and more personal but it reached it's max when Tom went way over the line.
Tom: *insults your parents*
The insult kind of came out of nowhere so you were taken by complete surprise.
Tom could see the surprised, but mainly hurt look on your face when you had processed what he said. You took a deep breath and plastered on a weak smile.
You gave Tom a half hearted laugh before pushing yourself out of the chair, picking up your stuff and leaving without another word.
Tom: Y/n...
Tom wanted to run after you really bad, but he had too much "pride".
The more he thought about it that night, the more he wished he could just embrace you in the biggest hug and apologize a million times but he knew he couldn't do that.


Mattheo Riddle

Transfiguration was a very chill class that day so everyone was just relaxing and some people were chatting. The only problem was you and Mattheo were on the end, right at the back of the class. Long story short (I'm tired and I feel gross I'm sorry these r rlly short) you ended up getting in an argument and Mattheo took it way too far, once again. The mention of your parents brought tears to your eyes already but you tried your best to keep them back.
You: I uh- I need to go the bathroom.
Mattheo immediately knew his mistake and he felt his stomach drop when he realized what he had actually said.
Mattheo: Oh god- y/n, I didn't mean it I swear. That was rly stupid of me-
You had already stormed out of the classroom before he could fit his full apology in.
Wished you guys weren't enemies so he could sit next to you every day.


Credit: hpboyspovs.reacts

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