⁴ you having morning sickness

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-it was super early in the morning and he was still asleep
-your 7 almost 8 months pregnant
-you woke up at 4am and ran to the bathroom but didn't make it
-you fell to the floor and threw up
-he wakes up and rubs his eyes
-taps the spot beside him because he thinks you're there
-when he feels you’re not he's wide awake and sitting up straight
-M: love!?
-he sees you on the ground and runs over
-you look at him and he sees you threw up
-Y/N: I'm sorry
-strokes your hair
-M: no no love don't apologize it's not your fault
-helps you up
-helps you into the shower
-M: you shower and I'll clean up
-kisses your forehead and helps you get your clothes off
-leaves and starts to clean up
-once you're out of the shower he comes in and helps you step out.
-M: here love
-hands you your fresh clothes
-you go and lay down and he holds you
-you look up at him and feel insecure
-Y/N: Theo?
-he looks down at you
-Y/N: do you still think I'm pretty?
-he holds you tighter
-M: I think your the most beautiful girl in the world and I love you so much
-you kiss him and lay down
-strokes your hair till you fall back sleep

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-you guys were eating breakfast at the great hall early in the morning
-you sit down next to him and he puts eggs 9n his plate
-you smell them, stand up and run out of the hall
-he runs after you and saw that you went into the girls bathroom
-he slowly opens the door and hwar you throwing up
-walks in and pushes the door of one of the stalls and sees you sitting on the ground
-he sits on the floor beside you
-R: I'm so sorry darling
-you give him a faint smile
-you feel like your about to throw up
-you position yourself to face the toilet
-he sits up and holds your hair and starts rubbing your back
-R: it's ok darling
-kisses the back of your head
-after being in the bathroom for awhile he helps you stand up
-helps you walk to his dorm
-once you reach the dorm he sits you down on the bed
-R: do you want to miss classes today? I can go tell McGonagall
-you smile and nod
-he leaves and when he comes back you're sleep
-lays down next to you
-R: I love you

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-you were laying down next to him in your guys bed at your house
-you start to feel sick so you get up and run to the bathroom
-N: y/n?
-he sees you go into the bathroom and follows you
-opens the door
-N: y/n?
-sees you throwing up and rushes down to hold your hair
-N: it's okay love
-you throw up for a while and he stays with you the whole time
-Y/N: I'm sorry
-he shakes his head
-N: never apologize for something you can't control love
-helps you stand up
-takes you back to the bed and sits you down
-starts talking about how your doing
-N: are you excited?! 4 more weeks!
-you smile at him
-Y/N: I'm a little scared
-he hugs you
-N: I'll be here the whole time
-you start to feel sick again but you hold it down
-N: do you want to take something?
-you shake your head
-Y/N: I just want to lay down and you to hold me
-so he does, he holds you till you fall back asleep around lunch time

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-you were in his room at the burrow and he was gone somewhere with Fred
-you got up abd ran to the bathroom before you threw up
-you made it to the toilet just in time
-after you were done throwing up you sat on the bathroom floor because you couldn't get up
-you started crying and he walked in
-G: gorgeous?
-he hears crying from the bathroom and walks in
-he runs to you and sits down
-you see him and turn to throw up again
-holds your hair back
-G: oh love I'm so sorry I wasn't here
-after your done throwing up you look at him with tears in your eyes
-Y/N: I can't get up
-he trys not to laugh and holds you
-Y/N: it's not funny
-G: I know love I'm so sorry
-helps you up
-he walks you over to his bed and sits you down
-Y/N: can you bring a bucket? I don't want to have to be stuck on the ground till you come back again
-he feels really bad and goes and gets the bucket
-lays down and holds you
-you're mad at him so you push him off
-Y/N: don't you have something to go do with Fred
-he shakes his head and wraps his arms around you
-G: no love, I need to be right here with you
-looks down at your stomach
-G: and our baby
-kisses you

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