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A/n: okay again I am not good with this so ofc please be patient it will take awhile for me to write especially how I sometimes will lose motivation sometimes- anyways Enjoy this interesting chapter I suppose.

Pov: 3rd person.

As a glitchy screen opens up, it comes to a stop and shows a huge metal door showing "Helix Technology Presents...

The Respawn Machine "

Trial #001

The respawn door opens to show a shadowed figure, standing at the doorway saying, "Its eternity in there" and the body falls.

Trail #002

The respawn machine door opens again, showing another shadowy figure... standing once again, but this time saying, "My eyes hurt" with the zoomed-up picture showing of the man with No eyes...only nothingness... and either blood oozing out or something different...(ketchup, maybe?)

Trial #003

The respawn door opens AGAIN to now.. the shadowy figure seems to be shaking as if they have seen something or.. side effects from the respawn machine, closer view can show how shaky the figure is.

Trial #004...?

The respawn door seems to not be open while the light is shown to be opening only to see blood scattered everywhere.. the door.. the windows.. the floor.. Everywhere..

October 31st, 1968
7:57 pm

Pov: ???

A scene is showing what appears to be a staircase down into a medical room, which shows inside Medic or also known for Fritz Ludwig (as told in the movie) sitting at his desk and from it appears as if he has some flashbacks from pervious things that have happened, him either jumping to small huffs where he seems distressed with flashbacks of the red team getting carried in big trucks pouring them out into an unknown sea and by the next what appears to be 2 standing figures at the end of a tunnel with bodies or something in it, and the next with the respawn room opening only to show blood making its way out of the room and out its way.

Fritz then looks up from his desk, full icey blue eyes looking upon him, his door having an red eerie glow from infront of him, and now showing the 2 same figures before standing at the doorway, turning to eye the door where Ludwig was in. With that happening, the door suddenly opens from the first eerie figure who wears a big dark coat with what appears to be a plague doctors mask, while the other one wears dark hidden clothes and a mask only covering their head and mouth slowly approaching.

Right away, they enter the office where Ludwig was in. It seems as when they got in, he couldn't move. Not even one small inch. All he did was sit and stare as if he was hypnotized by their arrival.

As they got closer and closer, the more glitchy they get towards the medic. The figure with the plague mask slowly reaches for Ludwig as if he was trying to grab him as to corrupt him(or sum like that) and while he did so many of the objects in his office fly up, medicines, clipboards, the phone even.
As soon as the hand's shadow almost covered Ludwig face, suddenly he was snapped back into reality with Y/n and Jeremy standing at the doorway.

Pov Y/n

"Fritz?!" Y/n said.. hoping to bring his attention while Jermey stands behind them, almost scared-like seeing how the doctor's reaction was, he starts breathing slowly, regaining his consciousness, and turns around slowly to look at the time.

Medicine (A Tf2 Emesis Blue Story)Where stories live. Discover now