Intel Hell

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A/N: Heya, so good news! I am officially done with school; the bad news is my mental health was not very good at the time, so I apologize for not doing this for a while. School really made things go downhill. and..its been a whole year of writers block and school kicked ass hard on again deepest apologizes everybody but hey! without a further ado, here yall go is the part that is in the works.

No one's Pov:

As the sound of the camera flashes of a big M on Scouts house wall, Spy is taking pictures, focused on the scene himself.

"I've been working downtown for over 30 years now...I ain't ever seen nothing' this bad."

Says the chief officer away from the scene but able to hear him loud and clear as if he was on the spy's right shoulder. Which of course Spy turned to his right and took a photo of the dead body. (Aka Scouts mom)

"Pelizzari got tagged."

said another officer away from the body and somewhere else around the scene. "Don't worry about it. We'll get you patched up in no time." says the chief officer who was standing by them as Spy took more pictures of the crime scene and Soldier looking around for clues or anything for hints. "Nobody comes in here except paramedics, you hear me?"

As the Chief talks before saying more, Soldier himself walked and looked around before he stepped in front of a drawer or dresser, opening it up and looking for some type of evidence or just digging around in drawers before the same cop yells out. the scene itself having just very dim lights and cops who you can barely see their face.

"And somebody get these clowns off my crime scene. I don't need this right now!"

the chief spoke firmly and annoyed. Spy comes in, in a serious manner towards the cops. "For the last time, we are federal agents! I am detective Mannix. This is Lieutenant Columbo (idk why they have these names but- we'll go with it) We are looking for a very dangerous criminal."

Of course, the cops didn't take it at all and thought they were just some random team as the chief states. "Will somebody run a background check on these bozos? there ain't no way they're FBI." as the chief was clearly not buying the moment, Soldier on the other hand was still moving things around and fumbling within the dresser before coming across a Termination notice to someone (I think scout due to the scene location being inside his mom's home.)

from the board of executives to terminate the employment, along with the respawn being a cause of injuries and loss of life and it's not the executive boards fault. clearly putting details of the respawn machine and life of working for Blu.

as Soldier kept reading the notice, Spy was across the room, trying to talk to other cops about the incident.

"Is this him? I want to talk to him" Spy says as he walks over to one cop who seems to be sitting down on the ground most likely injured due to a recent attack, but the other officer of course wanted Spy to mind his business.

"No! you ain't talking to him!" As the chief was trying to keep Spy away Soldier kept reading the termination notice paper received in the dresser. "You." says Spy walking over to the police officer. "Tell me exactly what happened?" Spy says squatting down towards an injured police officer who seemed distraught and miserable.

"H-he had to be on drugs or something I... tried to bring him down but... he just kept coming at me" the police officer says weakly seeming to be hunched over on the floor "It was like a nightmare" before the chief who tried to get spy away the injured cop adds on.

"Yeah that poor bastard that got his own sidearm in the gut" As the scene slowly starts to get tense and overwhelming for the cops and Spy and Soldier, Soldier seems to be looking through more papers in the dresser signed by Blutarch Mann before he grabbed another paper that talks about Scout who was named SC - 10498 after having seizures and schizophrenia having to send him out of Blu and taken care of by any legal guardian aka his mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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