Dinners ready! pt 2

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A/n: HEY! So sorry for those who have been waiting I have been still busy with a lot of things and not much has happened but I also have a lil issue of doing a lot and forgot the story but here we are everyone so here ya go!

No one's Pov

As spy's car drove off maybe up to more than 60 mph, as it sped through their next spot of finding out who would've been a suspect of the missing Archibald.

"So, the hand-off was an undertaker?" Soldier asked, holding the picture of the unknown suspect with the plague mask. "Almost" Spy replied focused on his way to their destination... wherever that is.

"What could be in that briefcase?!" Spy exclaimed, focusing on the road. "Money, Gold... Diamonds?" Soldier start saying anything that he could think of, "I don't think this is about money" Spy replies "Is it a bomb?" "If it was, he wouldn't hit me over the head with one" Spy says back (man they aren't going to have 1 simple conversation, are they?) "What if it's Archibald severed head?" Fully bringing his focus to Soldier and stern face "Enough Soldier!" he exclaimed "If we don't find out where he is, they'll have all our heads."

Soldier started to fumble and look for the radio he was using earlier, with spy suddenly watching as he drives. "What do you think you're doing?" Spy asks, "I think I know who to ask" Soldier replies, still working on the radio, trying to find the station to help him. "Soldier it only receives, it doesn't transmit." Soldier cuts him off when he finally finds what he needs "Breaker, Breaker! This is 185. Gonna need an update on that stolen hearse" "Roger 185" a voice says making spy turn to the radio with a very stunned and shocked look on his face, as if he has never expected this to happen or work, but yet he puts his focus on both on the road and the radio with now the voice talking. "This is 187, I have visual on a black hearse heading south on Brixton" "10-4 Tail it!" Soldier says, sounding rather excited to get this work done, and actually getting the radio to work. (He be silly and smart at the same time here)

The voice then has the sound of sirens going off and heading their way until the voice came back "He's pulling up on Purgatory Avenue. I'm gonna intercept." With that the sirens still blaze through the radio and Spy turns his head to soldier. "Soldier..." Spy says softly instead of his usual grumpy-angry voice. but before he could say what he wants, Soldier hushes him to be quiet to hear what happens next. "Sir I'm gonna need you to roll down your window, I can't see your face" but the very next things is heard was a cry or scream that was covered to make it sound muffled of someone or something. Then Static.

"What street was that?" Spy asks "Purgatory" Soldier says quickly. Then with Spy's control, he steps on the gas of the car going fast to turn the car around, with Spy's might steering the car off and turning to the opposite direction from where they first came from, stepping back on the gas and speeding back to Purgatory Ave, as the cars' engine echos as it speeds off.

Medic's Pov:

As i suddenly voke up, I couldn't see vhere I was. just pitch black but only light on my face was shown. "Vhere is Y/n?!" I said in mein head, I kept looking around only my breathing is all i could hear as i kept looking and looking but my body isn't reacting that quickly as each moment passed i suddenly couldn't get up and with looking and worry in my eyes, I screamed loudly. I am trapped and I don't know where I am, I don't know where Y/n is, only something covering me unable to get out.

I voke up back in mein office and there they are. "Y/n?!" I said they turned to face me and with a sudden relief they said "Oh god Fritz don't scare me like that again!" I looked at them before panting more and covering my face but with Y/n's expression got me to face them with now pure terror on their face. "Vhat?" I said, their face went pale as they pointed to my hand. I slowly moved my eyes to look at my hand and see vhy they were shocked, It was covered in blood. Even I didn't know my hands were covered in blood.

No one's Pov:

As 2 officers make their way to a back alley (or what seems like one I could be wrong) one turns on their flashlight and scans the area with it while the other also looks around. Then one of the officers said "Can't see anything" with the other saying "Forget it. We got an all-units call downtown" And as the 1st officer walks out the other starts to come with them saying "Some night huh?" The walking off with the scene now turns to what they could've found which was a area lit up from a building but unknown to where.

Back at the hospital with Medic, he washes his hands while Y/n waits for him as they stand next to Medic as he washes his hands. Only blood was hitting the water but despite that he was able to get the blood off his hands with Y/n with them, but as he looks in the mirror his reflection was saying something different and unexpected presence of his reflection grabs him by the throat and holds him there. Y/n wasn't focusing on the action as they were watching the door, as medic struggles to get out of his own grip he then gets slammed on the mirror by the head, getting Y/n's attention and helping him back up "What's going on with you medic?" "I don't know I swear-"

There were a few knocks on the door, to both Medic's and Y/n's surprise nobody knocks at the door at this hour, maybe they thought it was Scout coming back after hiding from something. but instead a folder slides under the door in between them, before picking it up.

Medic then held onto the folder as Y/n got up to open the door. At first they were expecting someone, only to both look from both sides of the door to see if anyone was near before they both went back into the office with Y/n closing the door.

Y/n grabbed Medic's glasses for him to see and to know whatever is in this folder. His hand moves around the folder with a few things muffling around and paper too only to grabbing a key out of the folder. "Why is there a key?" Y/n asks, Medic turns to face them " I don't know liebling" the german replies, analyzing the key a bit more. As Medic and Y/n study the photos they also found were confusing while medic just drops the pictures, making Y/n flinch. Not that these photos were here they were pictures of Scout and us walking to Scouts. (AW HELL NO THIS PART GAVE ME THE CREEPS)

Then the phone rang. Medic first looks at the phone before picking it up while Y/n stands by. "Hello?" Medic says, "Hey Doc" Scout says giving both Fritz and Y/n a surprise yet joyful to hear he was alive. "Oh, thank god scout! are you alright?" but this part started to get a little confusing for the 2. "I know its late but... mind if I ask you something?" Y/n's face starts to turn to a frown while medic is straight up confused. "what? Scout, where are you?" next thing you hear is the same thing he told us earlier "You ever get the feeling like you're being watched?" the look on medics face when he slowly turns to Y/n explains everything just from his facial expression.

Then there was a loud scream muffled, almost as if Scout is actually on the line. "Scout..?" Y/n Whispered under their breath Medic's expression then got serious, Y/n's expression looks worried terrified and scared. "What have you done with him?" Medic's voice was raspy but full of rage with that sentence, Y/n knew that. And the line cuts off. Medic and Y/n look at each other with no emotion now on both their faces, almost as if that phone call took all their emotions away. Looking up by the door, seems to loom in the room of where Scout is "Conagher Slaughterhouse." It read. Only Y/n and Medic had one option.

To find and return Scout back and get back safely or else.

A/N: Hello my loves! I am so sorry about this huge delay I had some homework and things to do for my finals of school and studying a lot- and I deeply apologize I honestly didn't forget the book I was just very busy, and I also got the cold again from the weather so it will probably take a while as well but other than that this chapter is done and hope to get more chapters done after schools over, Love you all <3


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