Graveyard Shift

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A/N: So, of course, I announced I will get to do this after Easter. However, I had things going on- so I hope you all enjoy this chapter!! also, btw this is a new point of view since the movie did show 2 different perspectives, so let's see how well this goes if not and seems too long we can always write another chapter. The chapter is going to be a lil long, so I apologize for that-

Soldier's Pov: 

all I could do is sit and wait for Spy while it just rained and rained. I slowly looked up seeing the lights on the billboard Infront, the billboard presenting "☆Jules Archibald☆ for governor of New Mexico" at first, I let out a sigh, I cannot believe he is kidnapped, he was just kidnapped all the sudden? not the matter its best to get this over with.

I honestly don't know how long I have been starring but as I look to the left, some figure is standing out there, tall but it's hard to see his features... just standing there. Immediately I opened the glove box and grabbed a cigarette before looking back at the figure. No movement, no facial features or any that I can tell, even how rainy it is on this odd evening. After the cigarette lit, I looked for the gun and picked it up slowly and keeping it close to me, starring at the same figure, who hasn't even moved an inch. with a click of the gun, I kept starring and starring... the tension kept getting more tense until.

"he's here" Spy interrupts "I need my... What de hell are you doing?!" At first, I looked at him wondering how the hell he didn't see what I saw before turning, only to see the figure is gone. With a tug from Spy, he exclaims "Give me that before you hurt yourself" grabbing the gun before anything could be processed, I yelled back "You told me to keep a lookout!" I argued back "I told you to wait in the car" he said more calmly, as I calmed down, I said "Look... what if it's an ambush?" that's when Spy leaned in a bit and out, saying "He's alone. This shouldn't take long" "That ruski's twice your size!" 

his face then turned a bit of a frown or as if he was glaring from behind or actually Infront of me. "I just need to make him talk" I swear even if we didn't get along and fight, I am not up for it around this type of night, even I don't understand why Spy needs that case from that big brunt guy. "What if he doesn't?" I finally said looking at him, at first he looks at me and with a look of frustration he says "Just keep an eye out for the police!" then slamming the door on me with his cloak going off and off into the night, towards the alleyway, As I looked Infront of me, holding the cigarette better, then looking back to where that figure is taking the little stick out and a puff of smoke, just from my breath. I could have sworn I saw someone out there...(THIS WHOLE PART TOOK LONGER THAN I EXPECTED)

No one's Pov:

As the night continues to down pour of rain, a big man tall and huge walks, holding a briefcase that nobody knows of or what it is. As the man stops in the alleyway to check his watch, 8:31 pm, a sound of a cloak disappearing as Spy aims his gun towards the tall man, wanting answers even before Spy could say anything the tall man says, "Builders league" Spy replies "you look lost comrade... and that suit doesn't fit you" he said, gun still in hand. "I did not ask for your opinion" the man said, with his deep Russian accent. "So, tell me the facts. Who's the hand-off? Who your new employer?" The man replies, "I don't know what you're talking about." Spy clicks the gun and points it more near the big, tall man. "Who kidnapped Archibald? Was it you?" Spy demands, keeping low within his gun and himself. "You know the price of the betrayal, friend. They'll throw you up against the wall for this" Spy's eyes landed on the briefcase. "What's in the briefcase?" Spy asks the man yelled behind him "It does not concern you." at first Spy lowers his gun then puts it on the back on the tall man "hand it over" bending down the Russia speaks up "You want my briefcase?" Suddenly with a swing the tall, suited man swings the briefcase at Spy launching spy away from him. dropping the briefcase beside him, before making his way to Spy grabbing him by the collar and throwing him against a trash area attacking him once more.

Soldier's Pov:

I was fumbling with the radio station for any news of Archibald or anything new on the radio, nothing really was getting my interest though. Until the radio was fully clear of what it says "This is 189. Reporting a 503 at a local cemetery the vehicle in question is a black hearse." another voice calls out "10-9, say again a... black hearse?" "10-4 that is correct" listening to this commotion was really funny to listen to. "Who steals a hearse at this hour?" I already bursting out laughing from that leaving a puff a smoke out, he did have a point there. But once I started laughing things got too out of hand that both cops heard my laughter with the radio, so I immediately tried to change the radio to something else fast.

Spy's Pov:

This night could not get worse... even being thrown by someone twice your size, and my partner hasn't showed up at all for help, I'm taking this in my own hands and fight back. I grabbed a pop bottle (glass) and threw it at the tall man, knocking his hat off to see his face. I grabbed another bottle immediately and once I threw it again; I missed making the man launched at me which I dodged quickly.

No one's Pov: As Soldier was outside, smoking his cigarette before letting it drop to the ground where an ambulance passed by. After that passed Soldier looked around once more before seeing a fast car pass hi and park Infront of Spy's car, just staying there. Soldier kept looking and watching it before hearing someone getting beat up in the alleyway (oh spy-).

on the other hand, Spy was getting beat up mid-way from the Heavy using his fist which grabbed his neck, pushing him over and over. (Aka tall man) The look of pure anger is shown on Heavy's face from fighting with the Spy."Hey Stalingrad" a voice rumbled from behind. The heavy turns around only to see Soldier with Spy's gun "Eat this!" shooting the heavy straight to the heart, watching where the bullet hit, dropping Spy and himself onto the ground. Soldier turns to spy, with a smile on his face "Your welcome" (this part is hilarious in the movie)

Spy gets up quickly only to not feel grateful but disappointed and upset. "You idiot! he was our only lead and now he's dead" This made soldier realize "Oh... so you were just talking?" it took them a while to know what to do before Spy sighs and looks at his partner "we 'ave to get out of here" (I couldn't honestly hear spy's accent but just adding that in). Soldier suddenly looks at spy "What about the body?!" he exclaimed "I left my camera in the car. Fetch it for me, now" Spy replies, not really in an anxious or nervous mood unlike Soldier. 

As Soldier goes to the car, finding the camera doesn't seem to have a good response while he's there. "Don't think I'm gonna save your skinny ass again, Prick" before closing the glovebox and walking back to Spy with the camera. Spy was just looking for the briefcase and just about to open in when he looks Infront of him, a black car, making the 3 dings a car, showing a figure starring at him only to have before turning to his left (Our right) getting hit by an unknown person with a gun. With a thunk on the head and hitting against the trash bin, Spy tries to understand what's happening, the unknown person points the gun to Spy leaving him still on the ground, preparing for what's next to happen to him, to show the same plague doctor holding the gun, about to shoot Spy but before he shoots, he let goes of the trigger and runs away taking the briefcase with them.

Soldier comes running back with the camera only to see Spy fallen onto the ground. "What the hell happened?!" running to his aid "He took the briefcase!" As the tires screech in the distance, Soldier takes the camera out points out to the car and takes a loud click of the camera. Only to disappear in the night.

A/n; OMG THIS TOOK FOREVER!!! I am so sorry- Things were not so great here and i tried to get this done as soon as possible, other than that the next chapter will be out soon but for now i need to sleep- its 1 am in the morning love you guys!

~Ren <3

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