Dinner's Ready Pt 1

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A/n: Lil warning for all with a little gore and some aggression. anyways here's the next part. Edit: hehe made a few corrections here and there.

Y/n Pov (Yes, you get a part of this chapter :))

As the sound of windshield wipers wiped away the whole ride, Medic was driving Scout home, I stayed in the back since Scout wanted to sit next to Medic.

"Hey, doc?" Scout starts, Medic replies with a soft, calming "Yes?" (BRUH IT SERIOUSLY MADE MY HEART DROP) turning his head to face Scout but enough to keep his eyes on the road. 

"What do you mean when you said I'm not the first? you talkin' about the accident?"

Honestly, if I could understand the last part of what Scout said, I really wish I could, I am not even sure if I was there at the time. 

"Wait, what accident?" Y/n added. "there was something happening to the respawn machine at the time, cmon doc" Scout asked. I shrugged I may have been there, but I can't even remember if I was there. 

"Eh... there have been others you two." Medic says, interrupting both me and Scout. 

"You tellin me that this has happened before?" Scout asked facing the doctor.

How many times has this happened, Medic?" Y/n asked the look on his face, says more than I thought. Maybe it happened more than once or twice. 

"Doc... what's wrong with the respawn machine?" Medic then replied, "It doesn't always vork like it's supposed to," he then added.

"Some get stuck inside trying to come through. "

"What the hell..." I said quietly. I think Scout could tell how uneasy I was just from hearing this, 

his look on his face and mine match. eyes wider than an owl, I couldn't see any emotion other than confusion, fear, and uncertainty. 

"What the hell are you talking about, Doc?" Scout says more firmly even he was getting curious by the minute and so was I.

 Medics actions slowly changed as if something was going to happen. 

"I've only seen it once... on the frontlines. He came through screaming...horribly," Wait... he actually saw this happen... from his own eyes? 

"When I ran to see what happened, I... I..." he paused, leaving me and Scout mortified "Medic what did you see?" I asked. "Yeah, what did you see, doc?" He looked at both of us slowing the vehicle. "You both don't vant to know," his voice rumbled from his chest, sounding serious.

As we approached Scout's area, the ambulance came to the middle of a small alleyway-Ish with a stop from medic, pressing the brake and onto the park. 

"Thanks for the ride, Doc, and thanks for coming along, Y/n. you sure you guys don't wanna come in? At least say hi to Ma?"

"Tell her I did, Scout. I have to get back to the office." 

Scout turns to me. "Y/n?"

I looked at him for a moment, I feel like something is clearly off about Scouts place, even with someone or something watching him.

"I wish I could come with you Scout but Medic needs me for helping him with some the office stuff" 

the look in his face told me everything, but deep down I feel terrible and Scout knew that so he put a hand out and held mine, knowing he understood that I couldn't come. But doing so he turned to Medic and said "you really gotta get out more often Doc, and same to you Y/n" 

letting go of my hand and opening the door to get out, then shutting it as he walked out. While both Medic and I just watched him leave.

He then turns around and says, "I'll catch you guys later, alright?!" "See you soon!" Medic yells back. 

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