Part Seven: Destroyer

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The lot of you had since moved into the karaoke room. You'd sat quietly in your corner of the room, watching with amazement as the boys belted or rapped their hearts out on the mic. You of course, were incredibly biased towards Jooheon's performance, finding that it effortlessly stood out amongst the rest.

Hoseok had initially encouraged you to try a song yourself, but you turned it down with the utmost politeness. You couldn't sing, and the last thing you wanted to do was make a fool of yourself in front of Jooheon's friends. If you were being honest, it was enough for you to munch on the snacks and watch the show.

It was like witnessing a live performance for free.

The night passed by slowly. Several a time you and Jooheon caught each other's eyes. Every time that happened you felt your skin warm with embarrassment and a mingled sense of desire. You remembered the earlier kiss. Despite it having been accidental, you couldn't help but delude yourself into thinking Jooheon felt something for you too. After all, you wouldn't ask somebody for a second kiss if you didn't like them... Right?

'Haah! That was so much fun!' Jooheon announced, stretching his arms up to the dark sky.

'It really was! Ahh, I had too much sake,' Minhyuk laughed along.

'You really did, take it easy,' Hyungwon agreed with a soft smile.

The eight of you had begun walking down the path towards the carpark where Hoseok and Hyunwoo had volunteered to drive you all home. Changkyun had drunk a little too much himself, so he was leaving his car here overnight and hitching a ride with Hyunwoo. From your understanding, Jooheon and yourself were going to be riding in that same car, leaving Kihyun, Minhyuk and Hyungwon to ride with Hoseok.

'Y/N, how're you doing? Did you have fun too?' Kihyun considerately asked you, slowing his pace to match with yours.

'H-Huh? Me? Yes I had fun.'

'That's good to hear.'

'Yes. Thank you for having me.'

You smiled charmingly at the young man, making him grin back and give you a gentle pat on the shoulder.

'Okay that's enough interaction,' Jooheon suddenly said, sweeping between the two of you and wrapping an arm around your waist. 'You can beat it now Kihyun.'

'Ahaha, what the hell? I didn't even do anything!'

'I dunno man you were looking at Y/N really intensely there.'

'I was SMILING at them!'


The other members of the group heartily laughed at Jooheon's obvious display of jealousy. You, however, were too preoccupied by the fact that his arm was around you to notice the noise. Blushing shyly, you gently clasped his forearm, leaning into his side as he continued to playfully argue with Kihyun.

Noticing, Jooheon immediately glanced down at you.

'Y/N? You okay there? Feeling sick?'

Ack I was trying to act cute! You thought fiercely, taking the L with much frustration.

'U-Uhh, yeah. Just got dizzy all of a sudden,' you responded quickly, pulling away from him and steadying yourself on the pavement. 'I'm okay now then.'

'Hmm, okay~!' He still looked worried though.

Up ahead, the crossing sign switched from green to red, and as the hubbub of the group continued to fill the chilly night air, you noticed a vehicle approaching you all from your peripheral vision. You glanced over your shoulder, surprised as an expensive-looking, sleek black car drove up beside the lot of you.

'Hyungwon~!' A woman's voice called from the passenger seat. The pretty woman, possibly in her late forties, waved cheerily as she wound down her window, revealing also her husband. They both bowed slightly to your group, prompting you all to bow back. All except Hyungwon who's eyes were alight with curiosity.

'Mother! Father! You're here?'

Oh, these were Hyungwon's parents? His father the clockmaker? And his mother? They were both very attractive, sharing similar features to their model-like son.

'Ahaha yes,' his father was saying, 'Your mother was worrying so much that I figured we might as well pick you up.'

'I wasn't worrying! I just got a bad feeling is all,' was his mother's huffy response. 'And well, better safe than sorry. I hope you kids all had fun?'

'So much fun!' Hoseok brightly responded.

'That's good to hear.' Hyungwon's mother suddenly turned her gaze to you, arching an eyebrow in visible confusion. 'Oh my, I don't think we've been acquainted. Are you a new friend of Hyungwon's?'

'H-Huh? Me?' You started, caught off-guard for having been singled out.

'Who Y/N? They're Jooheon's beloved,' Minhyuk teased right away.

'Both of them are probably in denial but it's pretty fucking obvious,' Changkyun agreed.

'Also yes, Y/N's a new friend of mine,' Hyungwon chuckled.

All the while your and Jooheon's faces were flushed bright red at the sudden introduction. Hyungwon's parents seemed to giggle amongst themselves at your expense.

'Haha, well, we're very happy you've found somebody to love Jooheon,' his father replied, grinning widely. 'Y/N, was it? It's a pleasure to meet you. We're Hyungwon's parents, Haesung and Suji.'

'O-Oh, a pleasure to meet you both,' you quickly greeted, bowing once again.

Suji smiled sweetly at you before leaning over to check the time on her husband's shiny watch. Oh. That was quite an expensive-looking accessory...

'Well, we'll be off then,' she said, seemingly startled by how late it had gotten. 'Goodnight everyone.'

You all echoed back her goodnight as Hyungwon opened the backseat door while waving.

'I'll see you guys at the clubroom tomorrow then?' He asked.

'Yeah and then we'll move to the company's practice room in the arvo,' Jooheon agreed brightly.

'Sounds good.'

Hyungwon smiled softly, a sweet, purse-lipped smile that you'd found was characteristic of him. With a final wave to the other he rolled the windows back up and soon enough the vehicle was back on the move.

You let out a breath you hadn't realised you were holding. Jooheon laughed and slapped your back, hard, unlike the gentle pat you'd received from Kihyun earlier.

'Jeez why were you so tense Y/N?' He teased.

'O-Oh, a pleasure to meet you both,' Changkyun mockingly imitated, following the exact same motions you had made but in a more exaggerated fashion.

'H-Hey, I didn't sound like that!' You complained, puffing up your cheeks in annoyance.

'Ahaha you're so cute Y/N,' Minhyuk added, reaching out to pinch your puffed up cheeks.

'Oi. Steady,' Jooheon warned, slapping Minhyuk's hands away from you.

Minhyuk laughed, shaking his head in disbelief. 'Jooheon you're so-.'

He suddenly went silent, his eyes going wide as he watched the space behind you.

'Minhyuk...?' You began.

A screeching crash of metal against metal reached your ears. The horrific sound of the metallic ting reverberated throughout the streets, mixing in with the screams and shouts of despair from the men now pushing past you. Even Jooheon had left you, rushing to the chaotic scene behind you that you couldn't even imagine.

You stood on your lonesome, hearing Wonho's cries of agony and the sound of debris clattering onto the road. You... didn't want to turn around.

The Clockmaker's Son #1: Renounced (Lee Jooheon of Monsta X x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now