Part Fifteen: My Time Stops

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Not wanting to be in a social setting, Changkyun announced that he was going home by himself. He'd then thrown his luggage into the backseats of his car and took off in no time at all. Hyunwoo and Minhyuk lived in the same direction, so they ended up going together in Hyunwoo's car. Neither seemed to have left in high spirits, but then again, who would after an ordeal like that?

Hoseok had hurt his ankle struggling with Hyungwon in the slippery bathroom. Jooheon insisted on driving on account of that. Kihyun offered to let you ride in the passenger seat and you'd accepted. The four of you went through these motions robotically, not saying anything unnecessary in this delicate atmosphere.

The engine was started and soon you were cruising down the road in silence. You spent most of the time gazing out of the window, silently praying for Hyungwon not to do anything rash. It still didn't sit well with you, leaving him back at the house to fend for himself. You didn't want to leave him alone. Who knows what he might try when he's by himself? He might even succeed at-

Memories of Jooheon overdosing returned with such sharp clarity that you uttered a gasp of despair.

'Y/N? Are you alright?' Hoseok immediately asked, leaning forward despite the pain in his ankle.

Your whole body was frozen stiff; Your eyes open wide. Alone... Even if it was accidental... It's not a good idea to be alone...

'Jooheon, can you turn on the radio?' Kihyun asked uncomfortably.

He looked at me through the wing mirror on my side, concern furrowing his brow. I still hadn't responded to Hoseok's question, and in that time, concern had also reached Jooheon.

'I'll turn on the radio in a sec Kih,' he muttered back to his companion. 'Y/N, what's on your mind? Please talk to us.'

You clutched the arm of your seat, eyes watering.

'W-We shouldn't be leaving Hyungwon a-alone,' you managed to choke out.

The three men exchanged glances through the vehicle's rear-view mirror. They seemed to mentally agree on the same thing at the same time, and then Jooheon was turning the car around.

Down the road to Hyungwon's house was a park. Nearby was an ice-cream stall with plentiful flavours on sale. The four of you were sat on one of the park benches with Hoseok's car parked only a few feet away. You'd brought your luggage out with you, intending to cross the road and make your way back onto Hyungwon's front porch. All of you were. It was just... working up the courage to.

'He doesn't want us back,' Kihyun murmured softly, leaning back into the bench. 'He's given us no choice.'

'That's true... There's no guarantee that he'll let us back into the house even if we tried,'  Jooheon added.

'Guys, we can't just not try though...' You said, exasperated. 'What's this sort of attitude...? I can't handle this...'

Kihyun and Jooheon hung their heads, keeping their eyes downcast. Hoseok raised his head, peering in the direction of the ice-cream stall.

'I'll be right back,' he suddenly declared, limping towards the stall.

'Hoseok your ankle-,' you started.

Hoseok effectively ignored you, struggling on until he reached the stall. There he began speaking charismatically with the owner. Looking at him now, laughing along with the owner... It didn't look at all like he was struggling through the things he was struggling through.

'Hoseok...' You heard Jooheon whisper.

You glanced over at your beau, relieved to see the look of awe alighting his features. Baby steps, you thought, nodding to yourself. You guys needed to go and stay with Hyungwon. Even if you didn't cheer him up, it should be enough to show him that you were all by his side, no matter what happened.

The Clockmaker's Son #1: Renounced (Lee Jooheon of Monsta X x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now