Part Eight: I Can Feel It Clearly

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The emergency wing's waiting room was empty save for the seven of you and the hospital staff. The analog clock hanging on the wall over Kihyun's seat read 4:34am. You were sat in the row of seats opposite him, next to Jooheon who had been silent this entire time. Unintentionally, you shivered in the cool, hospital air-conditioning. Noticing that you were freezing, Jooheon reached around you, pulling you close to him. His body heat began to warm you up right away. You clung onto him without shame, burying your face in the crook of his neck. The hand he'd had wrapped around you climbed up to gently rub the top of your head.

Neither of you exchanged any words.

Hyunwoo was stood in front of the receptionist behind the counter. They were engaged in a quiet murmur of conversation. Obviously Hyunwoo was trying to find out Hyungwon's current status, to no avail. The most we knew was that the young man was still being treated, and apparently had yet to wake up from the crash-induced unconsciousness.

To your far left, Minhyuk was fast asleep, his body strewn across several seats with his head rested on Hoseok's thigh. Hoseok seemed to be nodding off himself, arms folded across his muscular chest as his head tilted forward. Changkyun continued to pace back and forth, every now and then pausing to aggressively rub his tired eyes.

It didn't take a mind-reader to understand the level of worry and stress taking a toll on everybody's wellbeing at the moment.

You wordlessly curled your hand into Jooheon's warm clothes, momentarily shutting your eyes as fatigue continued its assault on your body.

There was no doubt that everybody's concern for Hyungwon was heightened now, especially since... You involuntarily shuddered, remembering the anguish on Minhyuk's face when he attempted to save Haesung and Suji.


The pair had died on impact with the trucker. The export truck driver who'd fallen asleep at the wheel. Jooheon pulled you closed, murmuring something like: 'Are you still cold? You're shivering.' Down to you.

'I'm okay...' You whispered back, opening your eyes to look up at him.

As you were expecting, he didn't blush. Nor did he look flustered in any way at the close proximity of you both. A sombre, sad light had filled his dark eyes, and guilt for wanting a kiss from him set in.

'Let me know if you need me to bring in blankets or something. I can ask one of the hospital staff,' he mumbled, again gently rubbing your head.


Silence reigned once more.

Changkyun eventually plopped himself down in the chair beside Jooheon, groaning in frustration.

'Why aren't they telling us anything? I don't get it!' He suddenly snapped.

'They've told us all they can,' Kihyun answered calmly. 'They're treating Hyungwon. We just need to be patient.'

'It's been two whole fucking hours since we checked in!'

'So what? You want them to rush his recovery or something?'

Changkyun faltered at Kihyun's counter. He muttered something incomprehensible before hanging his head, defeated. Kihyun blew out a disheartened sigh, immediately perking to attention once he noticed Hyunwoo approaching.

'Well?' He asked.

'Hyungwon's stable,' Hyunwoo informed us, sitting to Kihyun's right. 'We'll be able to pop in and visit him in the morning.'

'Wait what? In the morning?' Jooheon suddenly rumbled, unintentionally making you sit up.

'Yeah. Visiting hours start at 11:00am, but the lady said that she'll let us in at 9:00am if Hyungwon's condition doesn't take a turn for the worse.'

Kihyun checked his watch as Changkyun and Jooheon began complaining that if Hyungwon was stable and they were already here then they should be able to go in and see him. Hyunwoo listened to them speak with a serious expression, before calmly saying:

'They've suggested we go and get some sleep at home for now. Then to come back in the morning.'

'That's bullshit!' Jooheon suddenly snapped, his aggressive tone rousing Hoseok and Minhyuk awake.

'What? What's going on?' Minhyuk asked, drowsily rubbing his right eye.

'Did something happen? Ah, wait, how's Hyungwon?!' Hoseok added, jumping up to his feet in an instant.

'He's fine,' Kihyun reassured him, 'but we're not allowed to see him just yet.'


'See? It's bullshit isn't it?' Jooheon exclaimed, pointing out Hoseok's bemused expression. 'Fuck this I'm gonna go talk to them.'

'I'll come with you,' Changkyun agreed, standing up and following.

You remained quiet, your eyes following Jooheon's figure as he stormed right up to the receptionist and demanded to see the doctors and nurses in charge of his friend.

'...Y/N, how're you doing?'

You tore your attention away from Jooheon, gazing instead at the individual who'd addressed you. Hyunwoo. You lowered your eyes, not quite in the mood for idle conversation.

'I'm okay,' you answered regardless.

'Do you want to go home and rest?' He asked again. 'I'll be more than happy to drive you there.'

You were silent for a moment.

Why was he insisting for you to go home? Could it be that... perhaps... He didn't think this situation really mattered to you? Maybe he thought that just because you weren't close with Hyungwon, nor his parents, that being here waiting around for news that could be good or bad, was nothing but a hinderance to you? You clenched your hands into fists, the motion not escaping Hyunwoo's eyes.

'I'm fine,' you answered tersely. 'I'll stay here until we can see Hyungwon.'

'...I understand.' Hyunwoo nodded briefly in your direction before going quiet.

Soon all that we could hear was Changkyun and Jooheon bickering with the staff behind you. Volume gradually built up from whispered screams to full-blown shouting, and soon the head doctor approached those of you that were sitting down. He curtly explained that if the lot of you didn't control Jooheon and Changkyun then they'd be forced to call security and have you all kicked out. He also added that visiting hours would be pushed back to 11:00am for you all just for good measure.

'We'll wait quietly,' Kihyun quickly said, apologising on behalf of you all as Hoseok and Hyunwoo went over to calm the two rappers.

And so you waited. Mute and fatigued as the hours ticked on until the morning's sunbeams began spilling in through the hospital's tall window glass. 

The Clockmaker's Son #1: Renounced (Lee Jooheon of Monsta X x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now