Chapter 2 : "Missing"

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Characters included: Pure vanilla, White Lily, Hollyberry, Golden cheese and shadow (Dark) cacao.

After white lily came back, she went and rushed to pure vanilla, the first ancient hero. Hollyberry, the second ancient and golden cheese who is the fifth ancient. They were only given a scared look and noticed dark cacao was.. gone? pure vanilla could see that white lily has witnessed something.. judging by her eyes, and that "something" could be very bad or wost. They all give her a worried look.

"White Lily, Breath and calm down.. tell us what happend, And where is dark cacao?" Hollyberry asked, reaching out one hand and placing it onto white lily's shoulder. White lily was still giving them a scared look, thankfully, They were waiting patiently for white lily to explain.

"To tell you the truth.. Cookies weren't created for happiness and peace.. we were meant to be eaten! dark cacao and i witnessed everything.." White lily spoke. Hollyberry, golden cheese and pure vanilla's eyes widened slightly as they heard this.

"The witches.. our creators are eating cookies? but.. where is dark cacao cookie..!?" Pure vanilla spoke, as if he was thinking that dark cacao got eaten or got taken by the witches.. or worst.

"I heard dark cacao shouted my name as we were about to run away.. i didn't have a chance to look back or save him.. i didn't know what happend to him..! it could be if he was taken or eaten by the witches, o-or worst.. i'm sorry.." White lily spoke, looking away as if she was ashamed of herself for not knowing what happend to dark cacao.

"Oh witches.. this is bad, we don't know what happend to dark cacao, theres only one way to found out, Going back to the witches hou-" Golden cheese spoke but white lily cut her off.

"No, No! its dangerous there! you will get eaten! we saw many cookies got half eaten.. but they were smilling at us!" Whie lily spoke quickly.

All of them started to think a plan on how to save dark cacao, even if they don't know what happend to him they still need to save him.

[ At the dark cacao kingdom. ]

Caramel arrow cookie has been waiting for his majesty, dark cacao cookie, to come back safely after the journey with white lily. but it has been hours since that dark cacao cookie hasn't come back, which makes caramel arrow worried more as the time goes. after not a very long time, crunchy chip cookie came out of no where and approaches caramel arrow.

"GAH!" Caramel arrow jumped, looking at crunchy chip with a slight angry face. "Oh my witches.. You scared me! didn't you notice i was waiting for his majesty !?"

"Sorry, Sorry. I didn't mean it!" Caramel arrow rolled her eyes. "I've recieved a letter from pure vanilla cookie.. i've read it and it says that his majesty has been taken by the witches or worse. it has been said by white lily.. who witnessed eveything but didn't get a chance to see what happend to him." Crunchy chip spoke, it looks like he was holding the letter that he received from pure vanilla cookie in his hands..

"Taken.. by the witches? did they already planned a way to save his majesty!? i refuse to believe this!" Caramel arrow spoke with wide eyes. at this point she slightly refused to belive this information.

"Not yet.. Dark cacao Might have been taken by the witches or worse, Thats why we have to do something about this quickly!" Crunchy chip asnwered, suddenly one of the dark cacao watches entered the room.

"Caramel arrow cookie! Crunchy Chip cookie! We have an intruder who tries to enter the kingdom's walls!" The watcher shouted, Caramel arrow and crunchy chip immediately went outside to see the intruder. even without dark cacao cookie they still need to protect the kingdom. once they got outside, Caramel arrow grabbed and hold her arrow and bow together, pointing it infront of the intruder.

"We do not accept you to enter his majesty's walls!"
"Foolish Cookies.. How unfortunate, it seems that you have forgotten his majesty."

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Words : 700+ Words
Tysm for the votes and views, i'm truly grateful. i will try my best to do the next chapter.

(DISCONTINUED) The Third Unknown "Hero" | Villain! Dark cacao Au [ PureCacao ]Where stories live. Discover now