Chapter 6 : A Problem To Deal With.

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It was when caramel arrow was wandering around the village, Doing his majesty's command which was investigate who had been healing the villagers. Since that she is one of shadow cacao's warriors, she had a disguise so that she could not get recognized by any cookie.

Soon enough, She stumbled upon hearing some cookies having a conversation. Although she didn't want to disturb their conversation nor their privacy.. but she had to for the sake of his majesty.

She hid behind a tree that was near the cookies, Hearing them talking from the distance.

From caramel arrow's perspective, what she saw was two cookies. one that looked like it was thankful for something, and the other one had a blindfold on while holding.. a staff?

"Healer cookie.. Thank you so much for healing me and my family! i'm so grateful for your help!"

"I'm glad to hear that.. But are you alright now? i'm making sure that i healed every single wound, Just incase i missed any."

"Oh, Don't worry i'm fine now. And its all thanks to you.."

Healer cookie.. Looks like caramel arrow has found who has been healing the villagers, Taking note of every word that they have said and what this cookie looked like. She immediately went back to the dark cacao kingdom. Although, Deep down, She wanted this healer cookie to keep healing the other cookies who have been injured.

[ Dark Cacao Kingdom ]

Shadow cacao cookie was simply doing some paperwork that he had been given to do, doing them in his desk. Currently unbothered by anything at this point as he was writting something. As expected, Caramel arrow gave a small knock before entering the room, taking a step inside the room before closing the door once she's inside, giving him a small bow.


Was all shadow cacao has said. His eyes glued to the paperwork as he waits for her to speak, finally gathering the courage to.

"Your majesty, I have found out that there is a cookie that has recently been healing other cookies."

This caught shadow cacao's attention. setting down his pen and glanced at caramel arrow, sending down chills down her spine. He looked quite intimidating.

"Who is this cookie? And what do they look like?"

"He is known as healer cookie, Your majesty. And what i've seen, He had a blinfold and was holding a staff that was being covered up. I suppose he uses that staff to heal other cookies."

With that said, Anxiously. A small dark chuckle could be heard from shadow cacao as he turns towards caramel arrow. His expression becoming more serious than before.

"Inform me if you have found anything else about this cookie other than it healing the others. I don't want to hear more of it, It bothers me."

"We'll need to deal with this problem."

Shadow Cacao Spoke, Sternly. Before caramel arrow gave him a small bow.

"I understand, Your majesty."

"You may leave now."

Was all he said. Caramel arrow then listened and left the room without a word.
Shadow cacao coudln't help but overthink who this cookie is; Which means this really, Really caught his attention seriously. If he really did met this cookie on person, he'll make them face the consequences.

[ Back At The Village. ]

It was peaceful at the village where healer cookie was; The wind gently blowing, The birds chirping happily in the sky. Pure vanilla was sitting on a bench, Alone ; Enjoying the peaceful moment. Suddenly something slipped out of his pocket.

"Oh my- What's this?"

He leaned down and grabbed it, Dusting some dirt off, Incase there was, before looking at it. It was a picture : a picture of his 4 beloved friends that he had took a long time ago before the "Accident" Happened. The feeling of seeing this picture was rather deppresing, Or something that he couldn't describe correctly. He missed them dearly with the bottom of his heart.

Healer cookie then lets out a small sigh, Before putting the photo back into his pocket, treasuring it there.

he heard a voice from behind that seems to be calling out his name, he looked over his shoulder and see one of the villagers calling out his name while glancing at him. She [ The Cookie. ] seemed friendly, Yet curious.

"Healer cookie? Correct?"

He was confused at first, but replied with a simple yet curious:

"Yes, Thats me. Whats wrong?"

"Sorry if i'm bothering you more or less, But i would like to know more about you. You seem so helpful and caring to the villagers, Which i'm grateful for, but i'm just curious,"

"What do you really look like?"

This Was.. Very unexpected for healer cookie, it was all out of his expectations when he heard the 'Know more about you.'

".. Pardon?" He answered with a puzzled expression in his face.

"Ah- Sorry, i just.. Wanted to know. I Don't trust cookies very easily. I'm just aware when a cookie come to this village, Some cookies that visited here caused trouble and negative situations, Which- Didn't end well..

"I'm a cookie who its duty is to protect this village, Protect the cookies, after all the.. 'Problems' that has been happening here, And thats what i came here for. so out of curiousity, may i?"  She asked carefully.

"..Or would you rather describe how you look like without that blindfold of yours?" She added.

Healer cookie became quiet for a second, Thinking how to respond, He listened to her words carefully after all. He didn't want anyone to know or reveal how he looked like, because he's afraid that some of them might tell shadow cacao.

"Apologies, I don't really wanna show any cookie how i look like.. But i think i'd rather describe some details how i look like, Because of your curiousity-ness and trust issues."   Healer cookie then spoke with a small smile.

Healer cookie then described her some details about how he looked like, carefully, correcting her if she overheard some.

"so.. Thats what you look like without the blindfold, I see. You have different coloured eyes, That sounded rather familiar.. Or its probably coincidence.'"

..What did she mean by that?

"Alright then, Healer cookie. Thank you for answering my question." She spoke with a small smile.

"Its alright, i'm happy to help." Healer cookie replied with a soft smile as well.

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Words : 1,100+
Hello, Hi. I just updated this before june ended oh wow. Thank you for the endless support and 900+ reads, it motivated me and encourage me to keep writing. Thankuu all <3

(DISCONTINUED) The Third Unknown &quot;Hero&quot; | Villain! Dark cacao Au [ PureCacao ]Where stories live. Discover now