Chapter 8 : Nighty Night.

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Pure vanilla woke up and slowly opens his eyes, only to be surprised by an unfamiliar room he's in right now, his eyes look around the room in fear and confusion. he couldn't remember anything, he could only remember that he got knocked out. His head hurts, It feels like someone is playing a drum in his head.
He then tries to move, only to realize that both of his wrists and legs were chained to the wall. He's stuck and completely defenseless.

The sound of a door opening as it creaks into the silent darkness echoes through the room, revealing a figure taking a step into the room: choux choco cookie.
she slowly walks towards pure vanilla with a cold expression, her footsteps were getting closer and closer.

"Well, if it isn't the great pure vanilla cookie, of all its glory." Choux choco stops infront of him, her eyes observing him silently. "Already awake, i see?" Pure vanilla looks away from her gaze.

"Such a shame to hear that he's in disguise, wandering off a little village trying to get away from his lord.. yet he failed miserably" choux choco said along with a sarcastic smirk.

She grabbed pure vanilla's chin firmly and tilts his head up, forcing him to look at her. revealing pure vanilla having a hatred expression.

"You.. Choux choco cookie. You lied about protecting the village, protecting the weak.. don't you have any shame. .?!" pure vanilla finally spoke, his tone showing nothing but hate and betrayal.
Choux choco stared at him before laughing a little, her smirk never leaving as she finds his words hilarious.

"Hmm.. I don't know. Oh, i guess thats what we call a plan.." she took her hand away from his chin. "and you feel right into our trap!" her smirk grew wider.

"This is where you will stay as long as his lord desires, And be grateful, He will be meeting you soon enough." Choux choco turns around, her back now facing towards him. "So you better stay here, or else you'll end up making his lord furious. Oh, you don't want him to, Don't you?"

Pure vanilla watches choux choco walk towards the door with slow footsteps, opening it as it creaks once more. But before she leaved, she looks at him in the corner of her eyes. Suddenly, the room starts to fill with noises of hissing as gas starts to come out of nowhere, causing his head to feel dizzy and his eyes heavy.

"Nighty Night.."

Was the words he heard before his eyes eventually closes.

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(DISCONTINUED) The Third Unknown "Hero" | Villain! Dark cacao Au [ PureCacao ]Where stories live. Discover now