Chapter 5 : "I Thought I Trusted You.."

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Hello, Fellow readers that has decided to read my first book and has now reached this chapter.
Sorry if this chapter doesn't make any sense.

this chapter is inspired by : Betrayal | Villain Dark cacao x Scared Pure vanilla

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Hollyberry ran infront of shadow cacao, Using all her strength to stop him from attacking the best of friends. Despite only using one arm to hold onto her shield, She could feel shadow cacao trying to pull her away. Groaning and slashing could only be heard from the two certain cookies. During this, Golden cheese cookie helped the other cookies that were stuck underneath the buildings that falled to the ground and injured badly, Helping them to go somewhere safer and away from here.

"Pure vanilla cookie! Golden cheese cookie! Go Before they get you!" Hollyberry shouted. Looking at them at the corner of her eyes as the sounds of slashes continues.

"But- White lily cookie..!" Pure vanilla spoke in a worried tone, He didn't want to leave his bestfriend nor see her like this, Wanting to save her even if it means switching their places.

Hollyberry pushed shadow cacao away from her with her shield with such force that she could use. Once he got pushed away, he points the sharp edge of the grapejam chocoblade at them, standing there as hollyberry holds her shield

"Warriors! Crumble them into pieces!" He spoke sternly, raising his voice so all of them could hear him. the warriors heard their majesty and simply did his demand, Quickly running towards the ancient cookies with different weapons in their hands.
Hollyberry was about to run away, But one of the warriors caught her..
Upon seeing this, white lily quickly turns her gaze towards pure vanilla, who was kneeling infront of her.

small reminder: shackles are wrapped around white lilies wrists ;)

"Pure vanilla cookie! Go!" White lily spoke, She knew pure vanilla didn't want to leave her, But she wanted him to, in order not to get captured by shadow cacao's warriors. Judging by his face, she could tell that he didn't want to leave.. so she smiled ressuringly with scowl/frown eyebrows to him, Pure vanilla knew that smile would be the last thing he sees from her.

"I will never forget you.. white lily cookie." Pure vanilla spoke with a slightly quiet voice before standing up straight, turning around and starts running away as quickly as he could with golden cheese cookie, The warriors were chasing them from behind with different weapons in their hands, some were shooting arrows at the two certain cookies.

"Pure vanilla cookie, Do you trust me?" Golden cheese spoke slightly loudly, Turning her gaze towards pure vanilla, who was running away besides her as they continue to run away as fast as possible, Pure vanilla gives her a nod.

Once pure vanilla nodded as they continue to run away, she quickly grabs pure vanilla's arm and throws him onto her back, causing him to yelp slightly. Flapping her wings as she flies away from this horrible nightmare.

Pure vanilla looked over his shoulder, seeing how the plaza looks far from here.. yet he was thinking about the cookie he trusted with his heart, who caused this madness. he was ashamed he left two of his friends there but he had to..

"I thought i trusted you.."

"Its your fault that they got captured

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"Its your fault that they got captured."

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

"You shouldn't have saved them."

"If you got captured instead, this all woudln't happend."

"How could you do this to them?"

"Stupid healer."

"No.. Please, Stop.."

"You're pathetic."

"No one would never appreciate a stupid healer like you."

"Give up."

"No.. S-Stop!"

Pure vanilla woke up with wide eyes, it seems he had a nightmare again, Usually he will have nightmares about voices in his head, but the worst ones were about white lily and hollyberry. He sits on top of his bed and feels pressure onto his right, which makes him look, It was golden cheese cookie.

"..Nightmare again? you were sweating and moving around in the bed alot." Golden cheese spoke, Turning her gaze towards pure vanilla, Who gave her a small nod.
Golden cheese closes her eyes for a moment and letting out a sigh begore opening them again.

"Pure vanilla cookie, We're safe here. That madness happend several years ago, We'll make sure to save them." Golden cheese spoke before handing over pure vanilla.. bandages?

"Now please put this to cover your eyes and your staff."
"Ah! yes, Thank you, Golden cheese cookie."

Pure vanilla slowly takes the bandages that golden cheese gave him, putting it on his eyes and his vanilla orchid staff, Disguising himself as healer cookie.. How can he see when his eyes are covered? he can see whenever he brings his staff.

"Ah, Golden cheese cookie.. i think its time for us to seperate now. Its best for us if we don't want.. shadow cacao cookie to capture both of us." Pure vanilla spoke carefully.

"But- this is too early! What about you, Pure vanilla cookie?" Golden cheese spoke, her eyes widening a little as she looks at pure vanilla.

"I'll help the other cookies, Don't worry about me. I'll heal them if they got hurt by shadow cacao cookie or any cake monsters!" Pure vanilla spoke, smilling ressuringly to her.
Once golden cheese saw that smile, she chuckled slightly with closed eyes before speaking.

"..Alrighty alrighty! I'll miss you, bud!" Golden cheese spoke, smilling as she pats pure vanilla's back playfully. stepping back away from him once she's done, Saying a loud goodbye to him before flapping her wings, Slowly flying away from the village.. Now they are seperated for good.

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Words: 950+

Words: 950+

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