Chapter 4 : Sudden Attack

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this is trash.
Apologies if this chapter doesn't make sense or is too short, I'm not rlly good at fighting scenes..

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The ancient cookies stood there, speechless, as the wind slowly gets heavier each second, They were glad that 'Dark cacao cookie' is still alive but they didn't expect him to cause such madness. Seeing them stood there with wide eyes made shadow cacao cookie chuckle quietly, Taking small steps closer towards them while looking at them with a stern look as if he was threating them without using his words, Slightly tightening his grip onto the grapejam chocoblade.
He suddenly broke the silence between them.

"Whats with the look? Aren't you happy that i'm here.. Freshly baked and still alive?" Shadow cacao spoke sternly, Continuing to take small steps closer towards them.

"Dark cacao cookie.. What has happened to you? What made you to cause such madness to earthbread !?" Hollyberry spoke.

"Hmph.. You're asking too many questions, It makes my head wanna crumble into pieces." Shadow cacao spoke with the same tone as earlier, stern.. but it had a little hint of annoyance.

With his hand fully grip tightly onto his sword, he quickly swings the grapejam chocoblade with great force at them, It was quite quick that it looks like he did it in one movement.
Upon seeing this, The ancient cookies quickly dodged from the sudden attack.. Except for one cookie.

White Lily.

Whom she didn't notice shadow cacao's attack and got hit by his sword since he did it so sudden and quick. Feeling her own body slowly becoming weak. With her on the ground on her knees, One of the watchers holds and pulls her arms from behind,

"No! White lily cookie!" Pure vanilla shouted, Running towards her as if he was gonna save her, Which he was despite only being a healer. Running as fast as he could just for his best friend, He didn't want to see his best friend like this.
Upon seeing this, Shadow cacao cookie ran towards pure vanilla's side, Rising his sword high up.

"Pure vanilla cookie! Watch out!" A figure shouted, Their voice sounded very familiar.. Hollyberry cookie. quickly tightening her grip onto her shield and ran infront of shadow cacao cookie, who was about to attack the best friends.

 quickly tightening her grip onto her shield and ran infront of shadow cacao cookie, who was about to attack the best friends

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Important A/N:
Hello, Good morning, Good evening and good night! So sorry if the chapter is short!! Just wanted to say thank you so much for the support! i didn't expected this much reads and votes!
For the sequal of "The 3rd unknown hero." I would like to add some changes:

- I will be rewriting the whole chapter, from chapter 1 to chapter 3.

- There will be art that is related to the chapter, Drawn by me.  (The artstyle is messy bcs i haven't did digital art for 2 years, Hah..)

- Due to my school that will be starting in 2 may and exams are already starting, there will be chapters that will get added very late, And i don't have much free time to write.

Deepest apologies if i don't continue or finish this book,  and again, Thank you ♡

(DISCONTINUED) The Third Unknown "Hero" | Villain! Dark cacao Au [ PureCacao ]Where stories live. Discover now