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They both broke the kiss and looked at each other.

Hobi looked at him so sweetly and smile that make his dimple appear.

"Sometimes I ask myself, if I am good enough for you or not , I know this much that after meeting you, I learned slowly from you how to love.....I love you..." hobi say and again kiss Yoongi's nose.

Yoongi is still in shock. He is fucking really happy with that hobi's confession. His heart is really feel with joy. He doesn't know that whom he want to confess that person confess him. He wants to scream and dance to express his happiness.

"Are you mute" hobi asked while annoyingly.

Yoongi come back to his sence when he hear something from hobi.

"Hobi sit here" Yoongi don't express his happiness and drag hobi towards sofa.

"No I don't want I want talking with you, you know since how long I want to tell you about my feelings but you like you don't care about me and you didn't even talk to me that much you hate --"hobi Before finishing his sentence yoongi put his finger on hobi's lips.

"See dumb I didn't hate you who says this" yoongi asked with his soft voice.

"Your fucking behaviour" hobi say while rolling his eyes.

Yoongi like his this habit so much. Usually hobi is very polite to everyone, rarely he curse.

"Hobi you are not in your sence so just sleep" yoongi say and make hobi laying on sofa.

Hobi see him with half close eyes and say," I will wait for you to say 'I love you' " hobi say while he having a struggle to open his eyes because of alcohol. He close his eyes and mumbled something which yoongi didn't understand.

End up hobi lost in sleep. Yoongi see hobi while sleeping. He smiled and kissed his forehead and then he removed hobi's glasses and his shoes carefully and cover him with the blanket.

He looked at hobi who is sleeping. Yoongi's face not leaving wide smile. He recall his memory when hobi kiss him. His face cover with shyness.

"I don't know he doing something like that" yoongi thought and again smile.

He took hobi's hand in his hands and kiss them gently and say," sorry I make you sad hoba, really I was planning that I will tell you today that I really love you but you...." Yoongi saw towards him and small luagh escape from his lips.

He was talking to the hobi but his phone rang he saw caller id and it was hobi's mom ji-ho.

"Oh shit I forgot to call unty they must be worried for him" he thought and quickly pick up the call.

"Hello unty" yoongi say and try to be normal.

"Hello yoongi where are you ?" Ji-ho asked him.

"We are at party unty I am about to call you" he say.

"Really? Why you both didn't came yet" she asked.

"Unty actually we are actually talk eachother and jin hyung say that we stay in his House tonight and he and his brothers make good bond with hobi so we are staying tonight here and we are about to call you" yoongi say, he really do hard try to not stutter.

"Ohh really? I hope you are not lying and why hobi doesn't pick up the call" ji-ho said. Yoongi can listen seriousness in her voice.

"O-ofc unty I didn't lying and because of loud music maybe he doesn't listen ring and that's why I also talked with you from outside the venue" yoongi say.

"Okay I trust you, take care and Take care that he doesn't drink too much" ji-ho said.

Yoongi gulped and looked at hobi who is already drunk ," yeah unty" he awkwardly say.

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