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Tomorrow is Hobi and Yoongi's first anniversary.

Yoongi and hobi both of them so happy that they spent one year with eachother.

They both decided to spent whole day with eachother.

Now they both are in office yoongi was scrolling phone and hobi was doing his work as always.

"Hoba.." yoongi called hobi and hobi hummed in answer and looked at him.

"I am going outside for while just for walk around" yoongi said.

"Why are you ok?" Hobi asked worriedly.

"Ohh chill I am just get bored so.." yoongi explain.

"Okay hyung come back early hmm?" Hobi said with smile.

"Yeah" yoongi said and went to the hobi and kiss him on forehead hobi smile and said bye to yoongi.

After Yoongi left room Hobi was again get busy in his work but someone knocked the door he said 'come in'. It was jiyun.

"Yes jiyun what happened?" Hobi asked.

"Sir actually two men are come to meet you" jiyun said.

"They have appointment to meet me" hobi asked one more time.

"Yes sir" jiyun answer.

"Ok send them here hmm" hobi said and jiyun nodded.

After sometime jiyun come and gained hobi's attention.

"They are here sir " jiyun said and hobi looked at her.

Hobi saw that person and that leave him in shock but put calm expression on his face.

"Ok you can go jiyun thank you " hobi said and jiyun smile then left the room.

"Long time no see.." one of the man said and they both sit on chair infront of desk.

"Why you are here?" Hobi said with cold voice.

"So you remember us good to see" another one old said with grin.

"Just tell me What are you two doing here?" hobi asked with cold expression.

"Chill we just came to meet you" that old man again said.

"Sorry there is nothing to talk we already cancel the deal that day" hobi said while adjust his spects.

"This spects doesn't suit you I said to you just wear lence" that man speak who sit beside the old man.

"Stop your noncence and get lost" hobi said and stand up.

"Don't angry sweetheart" that man said.

"If you call me that once again I will kill you from my own hands" hobi said while glaring them.

"Stop glaring from your beautiful eyes this kill me even more" that man said with smirk.

"I don't know that my son is so good in flirting and hoseok You know what my son really like you" that old man said and that creepy grin doesn't leave his face.

"Who cares he like me or not I don't care and I have already boyfriend and And we are going to get married soon" hobi said full of the anger.

"I know whole information about you and you soon to be husband" that old man said.

"Okay we have enough talk now get out before I called my guards here" hobi said.

"Okok now let's we come to main point" that man said.

Hobi raised one eyebrow and ,"and you know what I am not interested in your main point!" Hobi said and roll his eyes.

"Just listen us once time" that old man said with calm voice.

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