Chapter 1: Happiness

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Jongwoo's POV

3 months after I was released from the hospital, I had finished writing my book. I took a therapy session everyday for one hour to help ease the anxiety and pain from the exhaustion of the past. I was so much more happier. I found another place to stay. I didn't care about the price anymore. My mom helped me pay for rent while I am working hard to earn my first paycheck at my new job.

I am staying at Mirage Apartment. This time, I made sure to check for anything fishy, did some background check in the Apartment and it was fine. Relief came over me as I walked into my apartment room. For the first few weeks of my stay, I was paranoid. I made sure to lock every single door, windows, closed all the curtains to prevent bad stuff from happening. But I am now starting to get less paranoid.

I took off my shoes and neatly placed them in my shoes compartment. I walked over to my desk and sat in front of my computer as I received an email. I opened the email and I read the headline: CONGRATULATIONS! YOUR BOOK HAS WON THE CONTEST AND HAS BEEN SENT TO THE PUBLISHER TEAM!

I read the headline, over and over again. I was in shocked. If my book got through the publisher, went public and got thousands and thousands of sells, I wouldn't need to worry about having my mom to pay rent anymore. I was beyond excited. I took my phone out and dial a number;  Ji-Eun 💕 Ji Eun and I split up after I've realized we were not made for each other and after I accidentally point a knife at her, she was a little afraid of me.

I was sad that she doesn't really trust me anymore but I get it. Despite us splitting up, we stayed good friends. We occasionally check up on each other and have dinner together. Everything is perfect. Ji Eun also told me that she is contacting a new co worker name Kim Cheol. I am happy for her but at the same time, I felt a bit sad because I would never find love again.

You see, what I am hiding from everyone, even from Ji Eun is the fact that I am not straight. You might think that what I'm about to tell you next is weird but I fell some type of emotion towards Moonjo. I hated him, I wanted to kill him, I wanted him to die, I wanted him to disappear from the world but at the same time.. I wish he never would never disappear from my life.

But he did, I killed him. I stabbed him with my own hands, with the knife. His word stil echoes through my mind from time to time..

"Jagiya.. Now you and I will be together forever.."

I hate to admit that missed him. I missed randomly seeing him at weird places but I hated it at the same time. My phone rings a few time and then a familiar voice was heard through the phone.

"Jongwoo! It's been a while. What's up?" "Ji Eun you're not going to believe this!" I said with excitement. "Hmmm what is it?" "My book won the contest!!" Silent... "what? W-wait.. REALLY!? JONGWOO IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!" She praised me and congratulated me. After that we kept talking for 30 minutes before hanging up. I placed down the phone and turned around to my bed and then saw something in the corner of my eye.

On my nightstand, the teeth bracelet Moonjo gave me was there. I unconsciously walked over to where it was and sad on my bed, taking the bracelet and inspecting it.

"Jagiya, I made this just for you. Do you like it?"

I sighed and clenched the bracelet and decided to wear it. As much as I need to move on from the past, I could never forget the trauma, the time I lived in Eden's resident. The time I lived in room 303, the bad memory, the barely good memory, him.

"I hate to admit that I actually missed you, stupid weirdo psychopath..." I groaned and plopped onto my bed and closed my eyes and then I drifted away.

Jagiya.. // Moonjo x JongwooWhere stories live. Discover now