Pregnant(Bruce x Reader)

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You sighed looking at the pregnancy test. Two lines. God, help you. How are you going to tell your husband, Bruce. You two never talked about children but here you are, pregnant. You two already have six kids; Dick, Jason, Tim, Cassandra, Duke and Damien. Not that you have a problem with this but deep on your heart, you did want a child of your own one day.

You looked at your phone. It was nearly time for Bruce to get back from work. You stood up from the bathroom floor and tossed the box in the bin before mindlessly placing the pregnancy test on your bed. Walking to the kitchen, you find Alfred preparing dinner.

"Negative or positive?" he asked and you looked at him in shock but put on a knowing look.

"I am not going to even bother asking how you know." You said. "And to answer your question, it's positive."

"That is terrific news but you are scared Master Bruce will not want the child."

You nodded.

"What am I going to do? I haven't even thought about how I'm going to tell him."

"First you need to calm down and breathe. Second, the news will come naturally. I highly doubt Master Wayne would not want the child. He loves you too much."

"Yes but how am I going to tell Bruce?"

"Tell me what?" you stiffened at the voice of your husband behind you. You turned to face him with a nervous smile.

"N-nothing, nothing at all."

"(N/n) are you lying to me?"

"Okay...but...this is a surprise so I can't tell you...yet." you said and kissed his cheek before going to sit with Dick in the living room. You were a horrible liar. Then something suddenly struck you; the pregnancy test.

You bolted to your feet and ran up the stairs, passing Jason and Cass who nearly mistaken you for The Flash. You opened the door to your room to find Bruce looking at the pregnancy test in shock.

"B-Bruce? Honey?" he turned to you and before you could process anything, you were engulfed in a hug.

"This is incredible."

"Wait." you and stepped away from him. "You're not mad or disappointed?"

"Why would I? We're going to be parents again."

"Well I thought that you weren't going to want this child because we already have six kids."

"My love, nothing would make me more happy than spending time raising our child. This is the best news ever." he placed a kiss on your forehead as you hugged.

"We going to make incredible parents." you smiled at him.

"Yes we are." he said and kissed you.

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