Genie Magic Part 1

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Who knew that Genies existed?

People actually thought that they were just mythical creatures but now that Wayne Enterprise researchers who traveled to Arabia, found it, they immediately went back to Gotham.

Bruce stared at the beautiful lamp in thought then turned to his reserchers and asked.

"Are you sure that this is a genie lamp?"

They nodded with anticipation.

He took out a handkerchief and rubbed off some of the dust but the lamp suddenly shook and rattled before a purple mist appeared and Bruce noticed the feminine figure.

The figure seemed to levitate down to the side his table and once the smoke cleared, he could see her clearly.

Light Copper skin, a long black ponytail a simple yet stunning tiara placed on her head with long bangs that go down to her waistline. She was wearing an off-shoulder purple t-shirt, decorated with jewels and below her waist was purple mist. She opened her eyes to show they were each colors of the rainbow.

She inspected her surroundings and they landed on Bruce.

"Are you the one who found my lamp or are you the one who rubbed it?" she asked with the most beautiful voice, leaning forwards, her face inches away from him.

"Uh, I'm the one who freed you."

"Oh, then according to the genie rules, you are my master. My name is Y/n and what might be your name?" she smiled.

Bruce was still processing all this but replied.

"Wayne, Bruce Wayne."

"Here are a few essential rules, master. One, I can only grant you three wishes at first. Two, If you are a good master, I can grant you more but if you are a bad one, i must grant you three. Three, once you have your limit for wishes, you can give me my freedom or give me to a new master. And finally number four, be careful what you wish for."

Bruce then remembered the explorers.

"I wish to reward them with two wishes each."

"Your wish is my command." Y/n bowed and flew over to the three explores.

One asked her to heal his mother and give his family a big home. He got a call from the doctor taking care do his mother, saying that his mother was all healed up and another call from his wife that their home has somehow "grown".

The second one asked to be given a car and prosperity for all her life. She walked towards the large window to see a new car with a big sign with her name on it. She immediately ran out with joy.

The third one asked for a lot a of money. His phone rang and he looked to see that his bank balance was increasing. He was so happy, he ran out of the office that he forgot he had one wish left.

The two followed and they were so happy.

Y/n then turned to Bruce said.

"You have two more wishes to determine if you are a good master or not."

"I thought that genies did not exist." he accidentally blurted and turned to Y/n to see her with a brow raised as though she was offended.

"What, may I ask, gave you that idea?" she asked flying over and stared outside.

"Well, no one has ever found a genie in a long time. We all thought they were just mythical creatures who grant wishes."

"There was a time when genies existed everywhere. They were like fairy godmothers, granted the loneliest with whatever wish they desired. But genies were not what humans see now on television. Our lamps were bigger and we were as happy as we could be. But then that all changed when one of the powerful genies to ever exist disobeyed the order of genies by disobeying her master. What we stood for, crumpled down into nothing and we were attacked by an unknown source. Some genies escaped while others...perished."

She then turned to Bruce.

"Who was the genie who disobeyed the order?"



"You are not my first master. I had one before you and he was a cruel and arrogant man who wanted nothing but power. He wished for me to sleep with him but I refused and turned his wish against him. I did not know the consequences of my actions until I lost everything." she explained and sat on the table in defeat.

"I'm sorry to hear that." he said placing a hand on her shoulder.

"It was my fault. I led my people to their demise."

"But this man was wrong. It wasn't your fault."

"Love can lead you to happiness and heartbreak. He was angry that I didn't love him back."

"Genies cannot love?"

"They can with other genies but with a human....its unlikely but rare. If that were to happen, then the master of the genie would have to set the genie free to be with them."

"Interesting. Y/n, this can be the beginning of something new." he smiled at her.

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