At The Carnival

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Coleman Bros Carnival

Bernie O Rourke Dr

Middletown, Connecticut

Brandon: *eating cotton candy*

Emma: *on the carousel*

Carlton: *eating nachos*

Steven: *looking for some beautiful women*

Woman: You flirting with me?

Steven: Maybe! *winks*

Woman: *slaps Steven* Creep! *walks away*

Steven: I think she likes me!

Paul: *shakes his head*

Mary: *hearing the sounds of people having fun* Such beautiful weather for this! No rain!

Ken: Gonna be warm by next Thursday!

Me: *eating a hot dog* Supposed to be in the 80s!

Mary: Yup! *pulls up her boot, over her dark blue jeans*

This story was written on Saturday, April 8th, 2023.

A/N Us having fun at the carnival! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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