The Consequences Of Overeating

3 1 11

High St

Middletown, Connecticut

Gertrude: *eating copious amounts of Quarter Pounders from McDonald's*

Victor: You should slow it down on the burgers, Gertrude.

Gertrude: Don't tell me what to do! *still wolfing down on the burgers*

Stella: Look at how big you are! How long you been like this?

Gertrude: For a while now. *eating Whoppers from Burger King* I hardly drink any water.

Stella: I think you need to get some exercise. Or, go to the gym.

Gertrude: I don't need to work out. I..... *feels fatigued and faints*

Stella: Gertrude? Gertrude!

Time skip.......

Prohealth Physicans

Saybrook Rd

Middletown, Connecticut

Dr. Elizabeth Chang: I went over the results. Your sugar levels are extremely high. You are now diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, Gertrude.

Gertrude: No!!!!!!

Stella: We tried to warn you!

Victor: Absolutely!

Dr. Elizabeth Chang: You will need to prick yourself, to check your blood sugar. Try to manage your diabetes by eating fruits and vegetables. Have a good day.

Gertrude: I should have listened to you guys!

Victor: Too late!

Stella: Sorry! And, you're also at risk for a heart attack!

Gertrude: I'm only in my 50s!

Stella: That's just it! Lets stop by the supermarket, to get some apples and strawberries! If you choose to eat poorly, your foot will get amputated!

Gertrude: I hate this! *tries to get in Victor's red 1987 Buick Regal, but can't, due to her excessive weight*

Stella: Ya see? You can walk home.

This story was written on Tuesday, April 25th, 2023.

A/N Gertrude sure learned the hard way of her eating habits! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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