Kyle That's Enough! 😅😅😅

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Kyle: *juggles eggs*

Paul: Kyle, what are you doing?

Kyle: Juggling eggs! My cousin from Japan wants to see a TikTok video of me juggling them! *still juggling the eggs*

Paul: *reproachfully* Kyle! We been through this!

Kyle: Give me some banana sauce! I need to the banana girls in Vernon! *stops juggling the eggs, leaving a yolky mess on the floor*

Paul: Knock it off, Kyle!

Kyle: I'll also need some apricot soda from Jim in South Carolina!

Mary: Enough! *whacks Kyle with a cartoon mallet*

Kyle: *out cold with cartoon stars floating above him, and his tongue sticking out*

Mary: *puts Kyle in a shiny, wooden box, closes it and locks it with the key, leaving the key in the keyhole on the box*

This story was written on Wednesday, April 26th, 2023.

A/N Kyle, please! Stop acting like this! 😅😅😅😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks

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