Chapter 1

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It's just another normal Thursday, I get up early for my doctors appointment, I call Rebeckah to tell her whats going on home while she tells me how things are down in New Orleans, yeah me and Rebeckah have become good friends because of Matt, I tell her how Elena and Damon are doing and that I'm fine.

I get some breakfast then me and my mom go to the doctors, I'm almost 2 months pregnant, I haven't told him, he's been so caught up with his own life and it's not like he would care, I mean it's Klaus, almost everyone thought it was Tyler's except for the people I first told, but I had to own up to it, it happened around when Matt was missing and Kathrine was dying, we didn't know how to help but Bonnie contacted her Grams and Kat's doing better now, but on that day Klaus came back for a while, and when I was looking for Matt in the woods he was there just standing in front of me, I couldn't function or even speak at first I thought he was gone for good, seeing him rushed everything back that I buried deep down inside.

I'm walking around in the woods behind the Salvatore Boarding House looking for Matt, it's a nice day maybe 6pm, windy and the middle of Fall, my favorite time of year, jeans, sweaters, long sleeves, boots, Halloween, carving pumpkins, playing in the leaves, hot coco.

I can't find Matt though, I don't smell blood no visible trace of foot prints, as I continue walking near the old Lockwood estate I hear something out of the ordinary.

"Hello? Matt is that you? Anyone there?"

I hear someone or something walk in my direction and when I see who it is my body goes completely frigid and I'm frozen in place my body starts to tense up I can't speak I just stand there looking at him in astonishment. Why is he here? what does he want? I thought he was gone, he left months ago, I haven't heard from him in what felt like forever and it killed me but I moved on with my life ,I missed him like crazy though I'd never admit it, the people I've talked to about it is Rebeckah and Stefan but they would never tell .

"Well hello, love."

I stand there still frozen in place until my mind realises what is actually happening, I'm not imagining things.

"Klaus." say weakly

He stands there looking at me with those eyes that wander as if he could see deep into all the things I'm hiding and thinking .

"I thought you were gone for good, I mean that's what everyone told me."

"I was, I still have some business to attend to, tie up some lose ends, get my affairs in order. "

"Then what are you doing here, in the woods."

"Looking for you. "

"Why? "I studder out.

"Your one of those loose ends, I didn't say goodbye and we ended on some bad terms. "

"You moved on I, you don't owe me anything."

"But you owe me something, sweetheart ."

"What do want ?"

"Your confession ."

"My confession? I didn't do anything, my confession about what? "

"About me, about us ."

"I ------ I don't know what your talking about ."

"I go to turn and run, to escape, I can't do this it's to much but then he speaks up."

"In a few minutes I'm going to walk away and never come back, you'll never have to see or hear from me again, you'll never have to cover up our connection with hostility, you'll never have to again loath the deepest part of yourself that cares for me, I will be gone, and you will be free. I just --- I want you to be honest with me for once. I want it to be the truth, it to be real". He sighs and looks down.

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