Chapter 2

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The past couple of weeks have been weird for Caroline she felt off, she missed him no doubt but it was for the best or so she thought, yet she still found herself sleeping with his shirt the smell of it was a comfort for her, no one knew but Stefan her best friend who happened to be Elena's ex, he found out when the one night he slept over and saw her sleeping with it which lead to a long discussion on how she should just talk to him but she said she was okay, he said she clearly wasn't so that was the end of that.

She was good she was going to Whitmore for Art History, Fashion Design, and Event Planning, yes she was an over achiever but what do you do when you're trying to hid from the world and yourself, you burry yourself in work or like Caroline stress clean. So mentally okay, emotionally in denial, and well physically she couldn't feel any worse than she did now, she was getting sick, throwing up all the time blood and human food, tired all the time and vampire don't get tired or sick, but her senses were even more heightened and intense than usual, and because she was a vampires she hadn't seen a doctor in years  she saw no need in a doctor because technically she was dead, but now she thought it was a must.

She went with Bonnie and got the strangest news, she was pregnant, it was impossible but true, so Bonnie did her witchy thing and did some research to how it was even possible, for her to be and she was eager to talk to Caroline.


"Yeah Bon?"

"Can we talk? I think we should."

"Sure what's up, what did you find?"

"It's better if you came and we talked face to face, like now!"

"Sure, come over."

15 Minutes later there's a knock at the door, she goes and answers it.

"Well you look comfortable Care."

"Hey Bon, come in, and yeah well I haven't felt very social lately."  

Giving her a quick hug they go into the living room


"So I talked to Grams and the other witches on the other side."

"And? Come on your killing me with the suspense just tell me."

"I found out a lot, so umm I'm just going to ask you did you cheat on Tyler because with all that I found out, it's just not possible."

"Uhh, umm well what did you find out?"

"Okay well we know that vampires can't procreate, but under certain circumstances like say special vampires, the originals for instance can, it's because they are the first and all come from them, taking life but given the gift to also give it."

Caroline puts her hands on her face shaking her head repeating "no no no."


"It was almost 2 months ago; I was out looking for Matt and he was just there and I." She said sadly.

"Care who was it? which one?"

"Klaus, he was there, I thought he was gone for good you know and then there he was standing in front of me. We were talking he said he'd be gone for good if I told him the truth, about everything so I---I did, it's not like I was going to see him again, no one would know. Tyler and I  were fighting again what else was new and things just weren't great between us, not in a long time. Which was my fault and  I --- I didn't think anything of it then he -- he kissed me and it felt... she sighs. The next thing I know we were in the Lockwood Cellar."

"Oh Care." She says compassionately.

"I didn't think, I didn't know, what am I going to do?"

"You're going to take care of yourself and this baby, and live your life."

Klaroline: A Second Chance At Love SLOW UPDATE( TBD)Where stories live. Discover now