Chapter 3

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Later on that day. I couldn't believe it Caroline was pregnant, I'm going to kill him, I wish I could tell her about Hailey but I can't, poor Care; walking through the compound Elijah sees me.

"Are you okay Rebeckah you seem distressed."

"Yeah I'm fine."

Klaus is walking through the foyer and hears them

"What's going on?"

"Our sister seems to be out of sorts."

Klaus gives her I questioning look

"I'm fine, it was just Caroline."

"And how is Miss. Forbes now a days?"

"Okay, could be doing better."

"Well wish her well for me."

Klaus runs off, to the bar I presume hasn't been doing so good since he came back from Mystic Falls and now I know why.

"What did I do?" Elijah asks

"Nothing, just try not to mention her name when he's around."

"I don't understand."

"Niklaus and Caroline it's."

"Complicated." Hailey says walking down the stairs, "and doesnt help with me being around."

"I don't get it he's never mentioned her before."

"He wouldn't, but you don't have to be a fool to see how he feels about her, just look at one of his sketch books." Hailey says

"And what of her feelings?" He asks

"Even more complicated." Rebeckah says, you see she's with Tyler the hybrid, Nik's first hybrid, well they were together but as of recent not anymore; point is her and Nik, it was a push and pull, he would pull and she would want him, want to give in so she would push hard deny it, avoid him and then there were times when  she would pull finally be ready and he would push not believing it and start a fight which would cause her to leave upset which only upset him more that he caused it; you'd know because he'd stay in his studio all day . It was a will they or won't they, will she or won't she, will he want her if she just gave in or was it all a game an just a chase because she was just so scared of getting hurt again, and then him if she gave in was it all an act to distract me, get my attention, another plot to kill me, will she really want and care for me as I am. They were just never in sync and it was always the wrong time for them on top of both their insecurities. But even know you can see that they both love each other he storms out when he hears her name and she just changes the subject.

"So I presume complicated doesn't really cover it all." Elijah says

"When did you become Freud?" Hailey jokes

"When I got push straight into the middle of their bloody mess of a relationship."

"Well I hope it all works out, I like Miss. Forbes." He looks over at Hailey warily and realizes that things for Klaus and Caroline will not be easy.

I couldn't take it, I had to get out of there the mere mention of her name I just couldn't, it hurt too much, the memories of her and of us, our goodbye; it felt like someone trying to rip my heart out of my chest, being tortured felt better than this pain and what's worse is that it's so unknown too me and I've only ever felt it for her. One top of Hailey being pregnant it's a nightmare, a nightmare I can't wake up from and this guilt isn't helping me either, how could a drunken one night stand be the end of it all, I'm going to pay for the rest of my eternity , but why did it have to be Hailey of all people.

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