Chapter 4

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I should call Kami to tell her of Caroline's plans.



"Oh hey Rebeckah! What's up?"

"I have great new!"

"What is it?"

" It's Caroline, she's coming, not alone, but still progress, right?"

"That's amazing so we're free and off the hook!"

"Not exactly, she still doesn't want him to know."

"Why? I mean he's going to find out, there is no way of really hiding it ."

"I have no idea but you know Caroline, still she's coming and with Bonnie and Stefan, they're on the way, so just be prepared." She says as a warning.

"Okay, well I'll see you soon."

"Yeah see you tonight."

It's late so I decide to cook dinner for everyone since it's my night. As I walk down stairs I run into Hailey.

"What's up?"

"Cooking dinner."

"What is it tonight?"


"Sound good, I'll grab the wine selection." Elijah says.

"Great thanks Lijah."

I hear a slam it must be Marcel and Kami.

"In the kitchen."

"Hey." They both say.

"Is Klaus with you?"

"Yeah he just run upstairs, he needed your computer for something." Marcel says

"What!" Kami and Rebeckah both scream."

"What's the big deal?"

"What's the problem?" Elijah asks when he comes up stairs from the wine cellar.

Kami and I give each other a look and both run upstairs.

"What is their problem?" Hailey asks.

"My question exactly, lets go find out Hailey."

Upstairs in Rebeckah's room, we find him going for my computer.

"What do you need with it, don't you have your own."

"Why does it matter." Klaus asks her.

"Ahhhhhh." Kami says nervously.

"It just does"

"Oh for the bloody hell tell me where it is." He looks under the bed and sees it, I fight with him to get it out of his grasp and in the process Elijah takes it.

"What is the meaning of this." Elijah screams at them both.

'I need the computer,  but she seems insistent on not letting me, she seems to be hiding something, she's been acting off and what ever it is has to do with what is on that."

Kami quickly takes Rebecakah's phone and  starts typing to enable the safety lock for the computer but she is too late Marcel grabs the phone.

"And you too have been off being so secretive, both of you, what are you hiding?" He looks into Kami's eyes that say I can see right through you.

"Well?" Elijah asks.

"For once I agree with Elijah." Klaus says.

Both sigh ready to give in when the door slams.

Klaroline: A Second Chance At Love SLOW UPDATE( TBD)Where stories live. Discover now