Chapter 5

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I Call Rebackah

"Hey Care what's up!"

"I'm all settled in. took longer than I'd like I mean those movers have no direction, but I'll see you tomorrow, Bon and Stef are tired so I'm headed out to get something to eat."

"Need company?"

"No, I'm good, thanks."

I walk into a bar and grill and  go to the bar to give my order, I take my seat and  get my  food quickly the service is fast here, and I am so hungry. I'm in a high loose dress not snug since you can't notice yet. When I'm finished I play some pool to clear my head, the move, the baby, Klaus , it's a lot but I'm strong I can handle it just like mom said; that's when I hear that charming British accent I could tell you who it was from a mile away, I need an escape, I can't do this not tonight. He's walking out and I know he spots me he always does.

"Caroline?" he says more of a question.

I try to make a quick run for the door and text Stefan to come get me.

"So it's true, I was right, New Orleans..."

"I don't know what you are talking about, I'm here visiting Beckah."

He smirks. " Don't lie you were never good at it, plus I went through her email."

"Fine, I moved here, your point?"

"That is my point!"

"Why are you here?" she asks annoyed 

"I own this place."

"Great, well I guess I'll have to find another place to eat,  the food was pretty good by the way."

"Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"This, this the way you're being, why are you here of all places in the world."

"I have my reasons, and it doesn't concern you! "

"Oh I think it does!"


"Because you come to the one place, the only place you know I'd be!"

"That means nothing."

"It mean everything! "

He moves closer to me, I need to get out of here I can't do this.

"You think I came here because our one night together meant so much that I just needed to see you, because I missed you oh so much that I've been aching to see and hear your voice, that if I didn't it might just cripple me; well your wrong it was a mistake it meant nothing it was just sex that's all there is to it ." he steps closer.

"Please  Caroline don't ." he say with sad wanting eyes.

"Don't what?" she asks weakly. He's inching to me I'm close to the wall .

"Don't do this. Be this way. Act like it's nothing, like it meant nothing, like I mean nothing, it wasn't just sex and you know it, when I was with you, when we were together it us finally become one, no it wasn't just sex it was me making love to the women I'm meant to sent my entirety with, the way you looked at me, the way I touched you the sounds you made no that was two people making love." He looks deep into my eyes the way he does begging me, and I'm against the wall; he grabs my hands and my breath hitches, I've missed his touch so much.

"I -- I can't do this." I cough out. He brings his hand up to my arm rubbing his hand up and down I can hardly breath, I've missed this so much his touch the safety of it. "We can't do th--th-- this anymore." In the process he brings his hand up higher and rubs I can't think. "I -- I knew coming was a ba--- ba-- bad idea." He looks deeper into my eyes and I cant move to look away. "Uh-uh us we can't iii-- it." He brings his fingers up and down my shoulder and my breath hitches again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2017 ⏰

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