Chapter Two

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I watched the beautiful boy from my room earlier collapse onto the floor in his own blood.

  “Noooo!” My voice seemed to bubble up out of me before I could stop it. My body seemed to be pulled towards him as I pushed Avery away scrambling to the boys broken body. The suits disappeared after another quick warning but my mind was on the boy in my arms.

“Cade? CADE! Let him go and look!” Avery’s voice blared into my thoughts as I flung around to tell him to shut the hell up when I noticed what my brother was trying to get me to understand. The boy had begun to take on a glow like color and elevating almost in the air before crashing to the floor sezuring. Avery raced over holding his head and yelling instruction to Rain who was attempting to stop his arm movements.

Still laying on the ground I tried to slow my breathing as my pain substituted. I tried to run through all my memories and knowledge about these hunters. Their vicious, mean, and cold they will do anything and everything to get what they want. Even making you fall in love with them A small voice inside me whispered. Cringing at the idea my thoughts were broken as Rain’s voice brought me back to reality.

                                  “This is your fault! There’s six of us and only five old colony’s.” I snarled as I whirled around looking at Rain as she poked my brother in the chest.

                                  "Cade maybe we should just tell them?" I could feel Avery's voice soft like velvet come into my mind as he used our bond to talk without alerting the others.

                                  "Avery they will destroy us if we tell them it's none of their god damn business. Touch Avery again and you will be dead before you hit the ground do you understand me? No one lays a finger on him." As I said the last part out loud my voice came out hard, cold, and angry.

"Don't talk to her that way!" A boy from the back snapped angrily

"STOP just everyone STOP." My blood went from a boil to a simmer as I looked at Luke as he held his side and grimanced. "We all know we're here for a reason and I plan to use that against them. I don't plan to stick around my family needs me and I will NOT die here." Luke's voice seemed to hold enough authority since Rain seemed to go quite

  "I agree we don't have to like each other but we need each other. We are giving them what they want. Now let's knock it off." I shocked myself as the words flew from my mouth.

"I'm Emery." The boy who had yelled at me earlier stated and that's when I noticed he was blind and the boy in the back of the room with a scowl on his face.

"I don't give a fuck about you and your precious colonies or ideas. I don't need more friends." The boy from the back snarled out.

Luke's back was arched as his face twisted into a grimace stepping back.

                                  "Jake stop it!" Avery glared at him as the boys eyes started to glow a memorizing purple color, his hair started to whip around and he I shit you not started to glow.

                                  "Avery who the hell is this guy and why do you know him but I don't." I could feel Avery blush and that caught my attention as my anger began to rise again.

                                  "Cade you have to stop him he's a fire element and will blow this whole god damn place up." The desperation in my brothers voice caught my attention as it came out in a yell. My body snapped forward as I could see his anger growing as he zeroed in on me as his target and that little smile that had me grimacing


His hair started to swing back and forth and I noticed his hands began to glow and my eyes widened as my legs started to pull me back as the shadows whispered warnings to me. Jake was very dangerous to me he was the light and I was the dark just him being in the same room as me made my skin itch.

                                  "Stay away from me or I swear I will burn you." Jake's warning was spit out and even had me flinching back I wasn't scared of him because if it really came down to it I'd win in a fight but smelling my burning flesh wasn't something that sounded to appealing right now.

Jake was out of control and he wasn't thinking clearly he was just so angry. Mixing my body into the shadows I made eye contact with Cade hoping he understood what I was trying to say without using my words. If he was a fire element he could seriously hurt me. Cade advanced on him but Jake wasn't having that he wasn't moving in the direction that Cade wanted him to go.

                                  "Jake I don't want to hurt you but I will and won't hold any mercy." Cade's eyes grew dark as he once again advanced on Jake.

                                  "Game on it's about time we find out whose colony is better." Jake snapped as he brought his hand back ready to let the fireball fly. I squeezed my eyes shut ready for the fight to explode but instead I heard grumbled and curses as I opened my eyes both Cade and Jake were drenched in water. Rain was staring at Emery with awe as Avery held back a laugh.

                                  "Not a word; NOT A GODDAMN WORD." Jake's voice exploded throughout the entire house as he fled the room pushing Avery out the while bringing the spark back to Cade's eyes. This brought a surge of jealous from me as I let out a deep growl. Everyone's eyes fell on me as I struggled to keep my wolf at bay. Sighing I bowed my head as the shadows flickered at my feet the need to get away from Cade as soon as possible.

                                  "Who are you?" Cade's voice had a grumble to it making me snarl as he pulled me into the light.

Realizing what he was trying to do I began to struggle hard against him which wasn't easy  still being in shadow form. My cells began to expand as for my body struggled in between their world and mine. Swallowing hard as this familiar feeling began to bubble up in my gut. I did the only thing that I could of taking my hand and wrapping it around his throat my lips slammed on his. The shadows engulfed us both as Cade sunk his hands into my hair as he pulled me closer till our bodies were flush against each other. A moan bubbled up my throat as he nipped my neck smirking as I grew incredibly hard as he continued to work my soft spot. My innocent gesture has spread like wild fire I was just trying to stop him from pulling me into the light the only solution was to pull him in. I ground against him as the voices faintly broke through my concentration. Then it snapped like a rubber band and I shoves him off me as he broke through the shadows pulling me with him.

                                  "Fuck." The word escaped from my mouth as my body began to feel like it was on fire. Smoke rolled off me from where the sunlight had hit me. Grimacing at the others who watched with both horror and curiosity.

Avery moved towards me as I growled loudly in a warning for him to stay the fuck away from me. I could feel my skin tightening and could hear the screech of the shadows.

            "Stop it! Don't lose control just listen to the sound of my voice." Cade's voice had my ears perking up as I snorted. I know what Cade was talking about and what he thought but I would not enlighten him. I have killer instincts and killer tendencies. My body began to boiling as everyone started to move, making me feel very uneasy. I did not trust people very easily and did not turned my back to them.

            "Are you okay? You've been just staring at the wall for about 10 minutes now?" Looking around it seemed as everyone cleared the room.

            "Yeah, I'm fine just don't touch me." A shiver ran up my spin as I noticed how close we were standing. It seems like the powers that be were working their magic.

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