Chapter Five

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[Luke's POV]

The voice had my mind reeling well, and the fact I had received the shock of my life literally. Slowly opening my eyes the room slowly stopped spinning and I could see that it was bigger than I had imagined. Like the first time there was three men in lab coats and two in business suits.

            "We have been watching all of you closely at the group and you two were the first to fuck up." A cold and hard voice snarled out.

My breathe caught in my throat and Jake looked like he was going to be sick. I blanked my expression I would not give these jack-asses what they wanted my home depended on it. All my life I looked for purpose and tried to figure out what the shadows had planned for me and now I knew.  It was time to accept my fate and embrace my destiny.

            "I have no idea what you are talking about." Jake's firm voice shot back at the young man who had spoken.

I think we both knew the odds of us getting out of here was slim to none. Even if we worked together which would be almost impossible. How could I trust a fire element, he a threat to me hell he could possibly destroy my whole kind.

            "Colton take him to the play room and relieve some of that stress, maybe that will take      care of  our good friend Jake down a few ego notches. Plus you need to get laid it is starting to piss me off with all the whining you do since the boss is out of town." Colton looked at Jake with a mischievous glint in his eyes and a smirk on his face as he closed his eyes and concentrated. In a moment he moved from where he was to where Jake was across the room and he was running a finger nail from his nipple down to his groin.

I could not believe it he was one of us and was helping the grims. I could not breathe as he placed his hands all over Jake. Jake pulled hard against the ropes as his anger began to boil. Then it hit me they were trying to coax him into using his powers. They wanted us to expose everything about ourselves because they must not be able to see everything. I had to warn Jake but how then an idea popped into my head. It was not the best plan but it would have to do.

            "Take me! Take me instead! He is weak and will not play your game like you want. I am   more of a challenge." Jake whipped around and stared at me like he could not believe what I was doing.

            "Now, now this is interesting why would you volunteer yourself. After all the eons of hate between your colony's? Very interesting indeed." My skin began to crawl as he nodded to one of the lab coats and he stepped over to me a little remote in his hand.

My body sunk back into the shadows on reflex and the doctor almost grimaced as he pushed the button on the remote and waves of pain washed throughout me as I clawed at the collar. A scream bubbled up out of me as I once again lost conscious. When I woke up this time my mind was foggy and the collar was gone but in its place was a lead bracelet. The shadows called out to me begging me to come back that there was danger and I needed to leave. Closing my eyes and concentrating they tried to slither to me.

            "I would not do that if I were you." I glanced towards the voice and glared.

            "What else am I going to do just lay here and take it? Oh I am sorry sweetheart but I am   going to give you the fight of your life. All the innocent people you have slaughtered to         figure out their magic does not compare to someone like me and you will be punished." I snapped back

The shadows hissed and talked among themselves waiting for my command. If this boy was not careful he will be dead before he hits the ground. The only problem was he seemed unaffected by my threats or the shadows and that my friend was a serious problem. I am sick and tired of being looked at as weak. I am born protector to Shadowland and ruler until the shadows deemed the true ruler ready.  By being leader I was protecting the leaders identity. This was my secret to keep until my job was done but if I was not careful it would be done way before it began. My purpose was to protect the king at all costs I was genetically made for the task. All that wandering as a kid and I finally got it, this was no test but the actual deal and I will fight for my home's freedom. These people were messing with the wrong person and I was not about to give up easily.

            "Well boys look whose awake." I stiffened at the booming voice as a few more people entered the room.

            "Alright now that the boy is awake time to get some information."A few of the guys looked at me almost just expecting me to give them answers.

Another scream broke through the tension in the room but was cut off abruptly. Gritting my teeth as I tried to lash out at the doctors closest to me. Colton was over by me in a flash as he back handed me. I could feel my check bruising and burning as I spit back in his face. Then the torture began it took them almost nine hours before my scream bounced off the walls along with what sounded like Jake's voice.

Authors Note: Sorry Gentleman and Ladies but I was originally not going to write torture scenes but after some thought I might write flashback scenes or if you readers demand it I will have Luke explain it to another character instead of having it come back piece by piece. Just comment below and just let me know. I will take all comments into consideration your thoughts do matter.


We were all still on edge it had been days since Jake and Luke went missing.

            you mean taken?

I shook my head to clear it I mean they could have just gotten lost somewhere in the house? Right?  Jake had been found a couple hours later disorientated and quiet.  He seemed to jump at every sound and became more with drawn if that was possible. What was interesting was that everyone seemed to pair off Avery tried to follow Jake around, Rain guarding Emery, and me with Scott. We were supposed to hate each other with eons of conflict between us here we were almost working together.

            "Stop following me around Rain. Just because I am blind does not mean that I cannot defend myself." Emery's irritated voice rang through the house.  

I sighed as I made my way into the living room with everyone else. Once we were all in the living room Emery quickly tried to make a retreat but I stopped him with a wave of my hand and motioned him to sit down which he complied but a seat all the way on the opposite side of the room as Rain.

            "This is stupid we should be preparing ourselves for war and making a plan to get my brother back." Scott's voice was harsh and determined.

Taking the time to look him over I never would have guessed that the polar opposites were brothers. Where Luke was shorter, calm, and thought situations. Scott was taller, muscular, and hot headed. All he has been talking about is getting Luke back but that would mean exposing us all. This could destroy us all because not everyone is willing to die for their colony and would rather do whatever they had to do to stay alive.

            "Okay, hot shot how do you expect us to do that? You have NO IDEA what they are capable of doing." Everyone was surprised at Jake's outburst even Scott.

            "I do not know how but unlike you lazy asses I am going to get him back and maybe just maybe I will save your worthless lives." The venom in Scott's voice even shocked me.

"Believe me ass hole if he is alive he will wish he wasn't" Jake looked lost as he began to walk away. Jake never made it past the door before Scott gripped the back of his shirt and flung him backwards basically in the middle of the room. I placed my hand out to stop Avery from getting involved they obviously needed to work something out and this was the only way. Besides they both need to get out their anger and indifference otherwise they could destroy us all. Looking at my nails I began to pick at them as the fight lasted several minutes.

            "Guys stop I have a killing headache and all I want to do is sleep. We can save the world a different day. " Luke's voice sounded strained and tired.

Everyone stopped moving as Luke wobbled into the room looking like hell. His hair was matted with blood, his shirt was torn at the back exposing whip marks, and his face was bruised badly. When he spoke the light seemed to go out in his eyes.

 "Oh my god! Luke!" Scott scrambled up as he pushed Jake off him, spitting blood in his   direction. Jake just glared as he rubbed his jaw gripping Avery's out stretch hand.

Luke never stopped walking as everyone watched him walk by and Scott trying to catch up to him. My whole body grew rigid as he seemed unaware at everyone's attention. There was a hundred questions running through my head. He has been missing for days and shows up like nothing has changed? Oh no I don't think so not on my watch I am going to get answers and I am going to get them now.

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